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FTX Central Panel and Orbx FTX AI Control Panel

John York

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Please tell me;

1  Is the 'Orbx FTX AI Control Panel' now redundant and if not, why when I click the the faintish tick I can see in the little box doesn't it work?

2  When I click on 'Default FSX' does it also disable your AI traffic?

The reason I'm asking is that I use MTX 5.2a for the rest of the world and since reinstalling it worked well for a time and then I lost its use in the whole of Great Britain.  Now I know that's due to a massive incompatible traffic bgl somewhere, most likely in Britain, but its failure also coincides, and I admit this is probably coincidence, with the last few days when I have been putting  all the Australian gear back on to my new system and I just want to remove, or save really, the waste of effort trying to find the cause in ORBX or OzX.

Oh, and before you ask, I have thoroughly checked all my addon airports in Britain and can't find one with a traffic bgl, mainly because I weeded them out before installing the airfields.


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Have I got the plague or something? ???  No-one, absolutely no-one has even acknowledged yet I've written the above. ::)

Now, I have to report that I downloaded a list of traffic bgls that could have stopped MyTrafficX 5.2a from working and apart from one that I've proved is not the guilty party because it wasn't active at the time, all, yes, all the rest was traffic in Australia!.  Now I have to go through them one by one to see which of the seven bgls are the guilty ones.  Not a pleasant job! At the moment they're not interfering with MTX because I've added '.off' to the end of their descriptions in my F:\Program Files.

The problem is I need to know one way or the other because if only one is to blame, I can live with that but if all seven are then I will have to make the decision as to whether I stick with the Australian Traffic (except these) or turn it off and use only MTX.  The trouble with that is that you have many small airports which are not featured in MTX and so would not have the AI that you do, if you see what I mean?

So, let's have an answer please.




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Hi John

I only use Aussie AI and a few WOAI files with no problems. Don't have any of the commercial offering so to paraphrase sorry can't be of much help. You don't seem to be having much luck recently what with this and REX. I am still running XP although I have Win 7 on order so no doubt I'll have fun then :(


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Hi Alex,

Thank goodness someone is alive and well on the forum! ;D

At last I've finally resolved all the problems.  I've got all the Australian stuff back in working order by taking all the '.off's out of the bgls and all are working perfectly, so it wasn't to do with Australia and FTX after all.  I'm also going to simply delete the AI Control Panel shortcut from my desktop as it seems to me to be superfluous and I don't think it works anyway!

I've also proved that none of the traffic bgls on the list killed my MTX, so that's still a mystery.

However, after many hours, I've now got the last two items (REX and MTX) reinstalled on to my new kit and working perfectly.  More than that, my scenery is now working good with nice frame rates and no shimmers or stutters.  I've been told not to fiddle any more but I am going to alter the pre-render from 2 back up to 6.

I really don't want to have to do that all over again in a hurry but I think its worth it.  I've now got an I7-920, still with my 1GB 8800 GT graphics card which I quite like, 6 GB RAM and three hard discs for a bit more room between them.  A 1 TB partitioned to give me 250 GB on the C disc, an F 250 GB disc for FSX, an E 500 GB disc for my photography requirement and the 750 GP partitioned disc for my scenery files like Horizon, Scotflight, GEX etc.  It also carries all my downloads.  Then I've still got my 250 GB external drive to back up my Photography and My documents files.  I've also had an extra quite powerful extract fan put in the PC side panel to help the internal heat sink, so I shouldn't get any of the heat problems that I had before.

Hopefully with this lot, I shouldn't need anything else!

I think its just a question of enjoying myself now Alex.  So, all the best.  See you around mate.


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Alex, what beats me is that it was working fine, and I had already made a couple of my own themes, one for Great Britain and coastal waters and one for Australia.  I was about to do one for the USA and pressed the cloud theme button and up came an error message.  It was all down hill from there!

Tim has given me details of a patch to download from Flight Sim that I'm hoping will cure it.  I'd be no good as a Beta Tester.  I know when something stops working or works wrongly but have no idea how to fix it.  Bit like my car or computer really but at least with those I can take them to the garage or the people who built it and have them fix it for me. ;D

It is frustrating though as, touch wood, everything else is working so very well.  I've even got rid of the shimmering and its a pleasure to fly again.

I'll report back as soon as I'm 'on air' again.   


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Smashing.  You're going from one fine part of the Country to another.  Have a great time and let's hope the fine weather we've been having down here for the last week or so holds on for you.

By the time you come back, I'll have probably found something else to moan about! ;D


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