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Hard drive space

David Cecchinato

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Please, could you state the generic amount of space each package you release would occupy on the hard drive ? 


Until now none of the sceneries you released has stated the gigabites it would need as free space, and this gives me headakes everytime you release a package I would like to buy


For istance, even if I freed much space for Germany north, it left me just one gigabite of space on the simulator's hard disk after installing it, and just by luck.



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Good suggestion David. It would be nice to have them all and I think this may be being worked on. In the meantime, if you could tell the forum which product you need the space numbers for I'm sure someone will respond very quickly.


Ciao  -  Doug

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Actually all I own I managed to install, by moving other scenery on secondary drives and deleting planes and Ai that aren't used at the moment. As I posted Germany north managed to install itself just by mere luck as I freeed nearly 9 GB thinking it would occupy just 6 instead it lef me only 1 GB

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