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First circuit with my new rotorcraft "toy"! (6 shots)


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Yes, bit the bullet & purchased the Cera Bell 412. Read the manual (Yawn, good bedtime reading), loaded one of the few Aussie paints around & decided to play it safe by doing my first circuit on an airport I know. After a few aborted start up procedures (definitely NO CTRL-E on this one!) she was up & running. So here are a few screens of my first real attempt at flying a helicopter.

Well, here we are on startup - no lights, no engine, nada!

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Quick check around to make sure all bits still bolted on!

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Now where DID I put that manual?

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Finally! Great start up sounds...(what is that "RPM" light illuminated for?)

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In flight - soooo cool - oh look, another aircraft!

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On approach - that "RPM" warning light has come back on!

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Final Screen? weeeeell, no! Stuffed the landing - just glad this didn't cost as much as a real one! :o Had fun though!!

P.S. THe "slightly blurred" effect is caused by the HDR bloom, still trying to rectify that one!

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It's great but the Dodo is "the" one, if it had a HD VC it would just be perfect. The CS bell is good I got it yesterday but if you want the best have a look at the dodo set crash detecting on and max dodo setting to 4/5 and then your in for one hell of a ride.

Enjoy the dark side you know it's your desterney

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Ok, Ok - I give in! I'm going to look at the Dodo site today! Just wish that there was a "try before you buy" on some of these add ons, it gets a bit expensive in the long run, especially for aircraft you buy & then are a bit disappointed with. I have a few of those in my "stable" - paid for, downloaded, flown & then put out to pasture when they didn't live up to expectations at all. Still, the Dodo comes with such good recommendations.... ;) - the Cera Bell is fun though. Anyone tried that freeware "helicopter trim gauge"? When I was first trying to learn, it was a good help for a beginner who kept crashing! And no, I haven't put it on my payware Bell 412! ;D Cheers, Malcolm.

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As it happens I got the Dodosim 206 today. My initial thoughts were a little similar to when I got the Lotus Sim L-39 - basically that I thought I'd bitten off more than I could chew!  ;D

I'm happy to report though that after a few attempts I finally managed to get it started up from cold - was lazy and did not really read the manual.  :-[

It then took me a few more attempts to get off the deck and a little longer to bring it back down smoothly enough not to crash. My last flight for the evening was quite rewarding, as I just seem to have got the hang of it and was litterally flying just above the tree tops and at times down roadways between the trees - was quite impressed!

I have say that I'm now finding the Dodosim 206 possibly easier to fly than the default 206 mainly because it seems or feels more consistent in how it reacts to my own inputs. That said I've only really started to get to grips with it at level 1.

Anyway, I'm quite impressed with it and would certainly recommend it, although it is quite expensive nearly £40 UKP once VAT was added.

HTH.  :)

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I am not a fanboy by any means, but just to stow your fears, this will be the best helo addon you will have bought, if you liked the cera, you will love the dodo.  Just from a realism point of view, and you wont have to worry about the free trim thingy, dodo have mapped force trim into the helo, be sure you read the manual, especially the section on setting up your key mappings, they are essential for correct operation and if you have the X52 it will all be able to be mapped to it and you wont have to touch the keyboard on startup once you get the hang of it.  If you ever want lessons I am usually on after 10pm my time, which I think is lunchtime onwards Aus time.

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Thanks Ryan, I may very well take you up on that! I've just re-connected my CH rudder pedals & boy - am I "in a spin" now!  :D If I thought the joystick twist grip was hard to manage, the rudder pedals are another story! I'm just about to load in my new video card - a GTX 275, but I'll PM you when I'm ready & a little better than I am now!I've also written to Cera, as I'm finding the startup on the 412 a real pain - even after I printed out the manual and downloaded the training startup video! Engine gets to 55% N1 at 6% throttle, then just dies  ??? - whether you advance the trhottle or not. Looking on the web, this is a "known issue" - so will wait to see what Cera says. In the meantime, I'm trawling the net for reviews & screens of the Dodo - I see the cockpit looks nowhere near as detailed as the Cera though, but that's just cosmetics. Thanks for your encouragement, BTW, I'll keep going! Lastly, I'll have a look at the X52 ;D

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@Blitzer, Flying the Dodo on lvl 1 makes it just like the default fsx bell, pointless really. lvl 4 or 5 turned this into the real deal, hf :)


yes the Dodo VC is basic and it's only weak point but having bought the dodo, huey and bell in the last week if you want to feel your learning to fly a real heli and then there is really only one that damm Dodo is impossable not to fly as it feels so real over the other two.

As long as your happy to spend time working hard to get to grips with her, the reward is amazing, the post about me passing my 'test' , it was a better feeling of joy than landing any tube/ga I have got to grips with in fsx. Every landing is total focus and control. The huey and bell are better looking but just not the same in rewarding stakes.

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@Blitzer, Flying the Dodo on lvl 1 makes it just like the default fsx bell, pointless really. lvl 4 or 5 turned this into the real deal, hf :)

Well I've not flown a helo for a while at all TBH, I tend to use FsPassengers everytime I fly (currently working my way around Oz) and unfortunately that does not support helos. That said I still found the Dodo somehow more involving than the default 206. That said I gave it a quick try on level 2 this morning and as I get more used to it I will continue upping the levels. Unfortunately I don't have any pedals so the twist action of the stick is a bit of pain. I'll get there, just gonna take me a while to get back into it I think. I may invest in some rudder pedals but I was holding out for Logitech to release the Flight System G940 in the UK - no sign of it yet.

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@Blitzer, Flying the Dodo on lvl 1 makes it just like the default fsx bell, pointless really. lvl 4 or 5 turned this into the real deal, hf :)


yes the Dodo VC is basic and it's only weak point but having bought the dodo, huey and bell in the last week if you want to feel your learning to fly a real heli and then there is really only one that damm Dodo is impossable not to fly as it feels so real over the other two.

As long as your happy to spend time working hard to get to grips with her, the reward is amazing, the post about me passing my 'test' , it was a better feeling of joy than landing any tube/ga I have got to grips with in fsx. Every landing is total focus and control. The huey and bell are better looking but just not the same in rewarding stakes.

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