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Texture Glitches and Water Replacing Land


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Good day to you all! I purchased OpenLC_NA quite a while ago now, this whole time i have had annoying scenery glitches, including water textures being replaces with land textures etc. I first noticed this problem in the Toronto area, which is where it seems to show up for others having this problem as well. I fixed it in that area by unchecking the OPEN!LC_NAMERICA2, keeping the OPEN!LC_NAMERICA1 enabled, in the scenery library of FSX. However, today i was flying in San Diego and found that the weird glitches appeared again. I doubled checked Toronto to see if something had gone wrong, but they weren't there. I went into the scenery library and did the opposite, enabling OPEN!LCNAMERICA2 and disabling OPEN!LCNAMERICA1, and this fixed it, however brings back the problems in Toronto. Further up north in Washington state there were the glitches as well, it seems some areas use 1, others use 2. But having them both on, or the wrong one on, brings these glitches.


This brings me to what i've done to try and fix it. I've followed this: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/79004-resolving-rapid-ground-texture-morphing/?_fromLogin=1


as a reinstall of OPEN LC North America with no prevail. I don't understand why it works for some people, yet for me it doesn't.


I desperately need help before i decide that i've wasted $50, and just disable it. (Although where it does work, looks EXCELLENT!)


Order Number:  #FSS0512678


Thanks very much,


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Well, thanks for all the replies all, appreciate the help!

Despite that, i have somehow fixed it. I bought ORBX Vector, re downloaded and installed the latest Orbx Libraries, and boom! All gone, except for some weird snow textures in Lake Ontario just past the city, but i can deal with that!


Thanks again for the help. :P (I know you're all busy, just would be nice to get atleast one person to try and help considering this was 3 days ago)

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