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Bomb run at Lilydale


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Yeh, you absolute bugger  >:(.. ..This is a declaration of war... lets look in the arsenal...Hmmm.....C172, Cub, chipmonk..  ummmm. ...I think Im on your side.....nice shooting , nice shots                    :D

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You were right , did sustain shrapnel damage , local servo currently repairing it , also decided to have fog lamps fitted.

Beautiful beast isn't it , was in Brisbane and saw 3 go over the coast near Cleverland area within 24 hrs.

Only aircraft the Airforce has ever had or in all probability will ever have that has the legs for Australia's huge distances,

and we are dumping it for something that is not a fighter or a bomber . Boys with shiny new toys ?


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Where is Lilydale ?

In the following two shots I an doing a direct to Lilydale without the autopilot.

In the first shot , the nearest airport page of the left MFD is selected , with Lilydale as the selected airport.

In the second shot , the Distance, Bearing and Steering arrow for Lilydale is being repeated in the HUD in the vicinity of the balloons ,  this data will remain displayed in the HUD giving reference data to Lilydale until that data block is switched off or a different airport is selected. For example while flying in the vicinity of say Lilydale ,

I  wanted data on Manchester in England , I would select the NRST on the left MFD,

click search ICAO and type in EGCC and immediately the HUD area would display

9555NM , 304 degrees , with the arrow pointing to Manchester .

A careful examination of the shots will reveal the amount of data provided.

Its great , you can never get lost . In the FSX version a click on the faint circle on the glareshield  brings up a 8 page display listing some ICAO codes for various countries worldwide , sort of a memory aid.

I uploaded my panel to freeware.

The panel is available freeware  from Flightsim.com , just go to search , and type in

Alphasim F-111 Aardvark

the file reference is      fxpiggb1.zip



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Had a 111 run a low level op out my way today. Just after 1300 the sky rumbled to life.

Always good to see this classic bird, have a feeling though that it came from a sad event in a way.


What sad event?

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Lillydale...take a flight and plot in S37.41.58  E145.22.09  or  start your flight at lillydale and bring up the map. Its in Victoria almost due east from YMML about 80 kms or so, nestled in the  beautiful Yarra ranges area .  They make great wine around there.  cheers!

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Dead right about the wines , superb . I do most of my flying in the Yarra Valley area and can hardly wait till the new

Lilydale/Coldstream is released , oh , and the next SP as they will be putting Warburton ,Yarra Junction , etc  back in , no idea why they were removed .

Cheers  Karol

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