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Installer help for P3V3


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Okay, I've had no problem with the new Central V3 migrating my FSX installations.


So I've just purchased and installed P3DV3. I've also purchased many ORBX titles from Flight Sim Store in the past, many downloads along with the disks.

The disk does not have installers for P3DV3. Is it possible to download just the updated installer from the ORBXDirect or FSS ?(There does not appear to be that option.)

Or do I have to spend the next year downloading everything?  Example: to D/L FTX Global to get the updated installers is 13+ hours. Then there's Vector, NA Landclass, all the Northwest regions, etc, etc. What good was it to buy all the CD's for backup?





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as far as I know there are no updated installers, so you will have to download the latest versions for P3D V3.0

all software brought out after oktober last year were released with P3D V3.0 installer included, and all the rest were migrated to P3D V3.0 this year.


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