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KTVL crash on landing, further notes for developer


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I don't want to break any rules by trying to reactivate a closed topic, but I spent some time trying to troubleshoot the KTVL crash on taxi problem, and I made observations that might help the developer track things down, so please forgive me for bringing this up again, I simply hope I might help the dev find a solution.  Please forward to the dev:


I tried uninstalling KTVL and reinstalling, adding the orbx libraries 160906.  I'm still running FTX Global 2, no update to 3 yet.  I did that because it seemed like invisible elevation or airport boundary problems might have been an issue (a purely subjective guess), and I thought it might have come from either the Global Ultimate reinstall or the LN NA install conflicting with the original airport files somehow.  That didn't solve the problem.


I tried a scheduled flight from O17 to KTVL twice, and contrary to previous experience, found I couldn't land on RWY 18 without a crash shortly after the taxiway H intersection.  Crashed in the same place twice.  I'm pretty sure this wasn't running too close to the edge of the runway, it felt like running into a problem on the runway.  I gave up on the flight.


Then I decided to take Orbx Bob out for a spin around KTVL.  Object was to see if I could drive around any crash obstacles.  I always proceeded from #2 toward 18 or 34 via A in my a/c; I wanted to see if I could drive around the long way and come back the opposite direction along A (back toward parking) before encountering a crash.  Taxied out from parking #2 onto the runway rather than the taxiway, and proceeded toward the end of RWY18.  Just before the intersection of the runway and taxiway H, there was a distinct drop of maybe a virtual foot, accompanied with the graphic of snowy roostertails where a/c wheels would have been.  I think this was a sudden minor drop in elevation.  This is about where my a/c crashed on the above mentioned scheduled flights.  It didn't produce a crash for Bob.  I continued all the way to the end of 18 and turned left onto taxiway K, nothing unusual, proceeded up A to H and turned right at H.  Slightly before H, there was some anomaly, I couldn't tell if it was a drop or a rise, but there was lots of powder roosertail.  I turned right on H into the parking lot and drove to G, re-entered A and drove the opposite direction, like I usually do when taxiing from #2 to RWY18.  Near H, there was a bump again, accompainied by snow roostertails.  I think there is a shallow elevation problem that doesn't produce a crash in Bob but does produce visual effects, and which at higher a/c taxi speeds of 20 knots or so, produces a crash.  Although I researched this with Bob only on the RWY18 end, I suspect it 's the same on the RWY34 end just past D also.  Since I can no longer skitter off the runway to the side without a crash, whereas I previously could, I'd guess there is an elevation problem there too?  Seems like the runway and all the asphalt  between D and H, exculsive of grass areas, is at one height, and everything else is at a slightly different height?  But you can't see it, you can only crash into it?  I may be wrong, but at least it's a place to start looking for trouble.


Hope it helps.  I love this airport.  Hope it gets fixed soon.




(I make references to the edge of the runway and skittering off.  I encounter significant drift to the left when landing on 18 at KTVL, even when ATIS reports no crosswind.  Sometimes, the landing challenge is significant enough that I wind up landing on the grass, usually to the left of the runway.  Previously there was never a crash.  Now if I touch down on the runway and skitter to the left or right, there is a crash almost as soon as I encounter the runway edge.  That's why I define the boundaries of the problem as "runway and all asphalt between D and H, exclusive of grass.)



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