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Since my system is down right now I figures i'd take the time to brush up on my overall flying knowledge.  I love flying old planes, the older the better, the recently released Auster Autocrat was getting some pretty heavy use from me.

I actually discovered this guy's youtube channel from a link on this site, as he is using Orbx scenery in a video he made:


he recommended a book that I think is worth everyone taking a look at, it's very fundamental but goes from start-up all the way to aerobatics.  It's a short read and clearly written from a different era.

First edition was 1938

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Apparently it's part of a series, that home doctor one sounds intriguing, what was home medicine like in 1938?

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Either way, I learned some new stuff, and when my system comes back up I'll be flying and "Taxying" like a champ.

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