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Westpac Helicopter at Hervey Bay


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The Wespac Helicopter Centre here in Lismore had an open day plus sausage sizzle yesterday. Always good to get there & try to contribute a little to what they do. Today, I thought I'd try a wee flight from Hervey to Lismore, but - it was such a gorgeous family day, I only had 30 mins! Here's a couple of snaps - this is such a great airport & harbour.

Ready for the off!

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I think it's "left hand down a bit" to YLIS?

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Looking for another (more detailed) FSX Dauphin - anyone know if one's in the pipeline? Ta.

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The chopper is the Abacus AS565 available from www.abacuspub.com the paint is by me, available at www.aussiex.org there are 3 different liveries representing several of the westpac dauphins in Australia.  There is another AS365 available from Alphasim that I beta tested and supplied all the imagery for development but fell out with the designer as he didn't listen to a lot of things being given as feedback in beta testing, hence it is a pretty crappy as365 and why I have not done any liveries for it.

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Hi Aussiecop! Good to hear from you - I've just seen the post before yours, so you beat me to the reply! Thanks also for the info on the Alphasim AS365, I knew you had something "under your hat" a while ago, but you were sworn to secrecy. Mate, I'm sorry it didn't work out. I still enjoy flying the Dauphin, as it represents a pretty important part of our life up here, I've been very, very tempted by the Cera Bell 412, just have to save up the pennies for it! Thanks for the reply again. Cheers, Malcolm.

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You know me Mal, converting fixed wing pilots one at a time lol.  Bloody shame and dissapointment about the other AS365 and its kind of faded into obscurity unfortunately.  But it does leave room for someone else to come along and make a better one one day at least.

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