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FTX Global Update Problem

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I recently did a FTX Global update for my FSX Steam Edition and I noticed that when I click on "Fly Now" to load flights, the load time has increased to almost 10 minutes. When it starts to load, it hangs at about 6% loading, which is the loading terrain phase for about 3-4 minutes. Then it progresses to about 92% where it hangs again for 1-2 minutes. I am not certain FTX is the cause, but I think I noticed the long load time after updating the FTX Global.


I also have the "boxed" FSX, which I updated the FTX Global to, and there was no negative impact to FSX. Can anyone offer advise and guidance regarding this issue?

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How much addon scenery do you have?  I have found in FSX (not SE) that as addon scenery increases so does load time.  While not 10 min. in my case I have those same pauses in the loading bar as you exhibit.  With 485 entries in my FSX Scenery Library I've learned to live with it and prefer not to use the various utilities available to omit addons just to speed up loading.  Seems to never fail that when some are turned off that's where I need to go FSX wise.


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Thanks spud, I have the same amount of scenery and aircraft addons in both FSX SE and FSX. My FSX is running fine. My FSX SE is having slow, long loading times. The only thing I can think of causing the problem is that after I updated my Orbx FTX Global, is when I noticed the longer load time, only in FSX SE.

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