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Strange behaviour when I SAVE a flight .


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Has anyone experienced this ----- in mid flight when I want to save the flight my computer just " hangs " .

The visuals remain , the sound turns off and when I CTRL / ALT / DEL --- I cannot access the task manager to End Task .

The only option is to reset the computer from the CPU .

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Oh dear . What do I do now ?

This only occurred following installation of Cessnock . Could be just coincidental .

I turned all the peripheral sounds off at Cessnock which gave me some limited success in flight saving .

But now it seems to refuse to co-operate .

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I had some thing similar out-of-the-blue happen to me, although on a random basis, on my old PC flying along the image would freeze and I think the sound was still going.

Some things to check :- Does the mouse pointer still move; does the upper/lowercase toggle the k/b LED if it does your PC is still running.

What you can try is ALT-TAB to switch to another program/desktop and then exit from there or if you know the keystrokes try the the exit keystroke sequence.

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