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Control towers silent


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G'day all,

I have recently become addicted to FSX and have now installed MyTraffic. It is a fantastic program but I can not hear any communications. I have pressed every button I can find on the Radio Stacks of about six aircraft at half a dozen major airports without success.

I can invariable hear the airport Morse Code id without any problem but that's all. Your help would be much appreciated.

Cheers  mac

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The answer was very simple. I had not been starting the flight without ticking the Launch flight with ATC window open box. Therefore I was not tuning my comms radio to the correct frequency for the airport.

Now the tower is now talking to me and I can hear them talking to other aircraft. A short flight from Perth to Pearce was fully under ATC control and even down to Jandakot. The tower at Murray Field is a bit quite though ;D Good stuff.

Cheers  Mac

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