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Repeatable OpenLC NA/Canada CTD with P3D


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I've been meaning to file this bug report for a while but it keeps falling off my list. If I am on airway J804R headed towards Anchorage approaching the SNOUT waypoint, shortly after SNOUT I get a crash to desktop. I've tried with both the Aerosoft Airbus A319 and the Majestic Q400. I have a save file with the A319 just before SNOUT where I can repeat the crash easily.


Judging by the water textures I can see it looks like the crash happens when entering the OpenLC area, the route takes you over a corner of the tile.


It happened on P3D 3.2 with OpenLC NA Canada/Alaska 1.00, and it also happens on P3D 3.3 with the full OpenLC NA 1.15. I have many other addons installed of course, including all of the FTX full fat regions in the area.


I've uploaded a diagnostic file with id otb3194df40cd7f97823905328bce4d5a4. Hope that helps. Thanks.


Edit: Forgot to mention, I spent most of the day disabling everything I could in my scenery.cfg. When I disabled OpenLC NA the crash no longer happened. Added everything else back and the crash still didn't happen. Add OpenLC NA back and the crash is back.

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what does your event viewer log say it is? i assume you have looked at that? Every-time a program crashes, there is a log created that tells you who or what the problem is. This is usually a dll, permission issue, memory issue or corrupt file issue. There are more of course.

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I'm not seeing an obvious event in the event viewer that correlates to the CTD. Not like a typical P3D crash. Maybe I am missing it - but I assumed that the event logs would be included in the diagnostic info I sent to Orbx.


I have of course tried reinstalling OpenLC back when it was 1.00, it made no difference. Since then I've updated to 1.15 and the full OpenLC NA as I mentioned.

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