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Prepar3D Application Crash after OpenLC NA


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After installing OpenLC for North America, I got an app crash on Prepar3D V 3.3.  The only recent change in my setup (i.e., drivers have been in place for three weeks and no other changes) was the OpenLC install on Sunday.  My system is ASUS Maximus Formula, 32g DDR4 memory, Intel I6700 CPU, EVGA 980GTXi, Windows 7 64 Ultimate.  Crash data is attached.  I look forward to your response.




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Typically, an ntdll.dll error is caused by faulting hardware drivers, more specifically, graphics card drivers.  I'm not saying this is the exact cause, but you can also get a lot more information online, by searching for the error that you posted above.  It is highly unlikely the ORBX scenery itself caused the crash, so taking that into account, I would look at how your sim is set up, what you have running with the sim, your graphic settings for the sim.

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After contacting EVGA, they suggested I use DDU.  I ran DDU in safe mode and then re-loaded the newest display driver.  Just flew from Wilmington, NC to Addison, TX at FL420 with absolutely no issues.  Thanks again for your response.



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