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FSX Lock Up when using Global Base and Global Vector

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  I know a thing or two about computers so I know the challenges of trying to develop code that will work with even 90% of the PCs out there – I am relatively sure this is one of those "one-off" issues.


 When flying in a part of the world covered only by Global Base and Global Vector, my FSX locks up, every time - Ctrl, Alt, Del shows "FSX Not Responding".  


Troubleshooting:  I've tried to repeat the flights exactly and it doesn't happen at the same time…a different part of the flight.  I have tried this in NY state, Chile and Korea.  I have tried 3 different aircraft - all locked up.  I have tried the same aircraft in a different ORBX scenery area, Norway, and another aircraft in an area covered by openLC NA–no problems.  I then "un-did" Global Base and Global Vector (lots of clicking in the FSX Scenery Manager) and flew around Korea, same aircraft - no problems.  So obviously my PC "doesn't like" something about Global Base and/or Global Vector


So, again, this one is on me.  My only question is has to do when the lock up occurs.  I think it may happen when FSX is loading the next part of scenery.  I've noticed a slight "pause" every now and then before a final lock up.


If so, does anybody know any setting, either with FTX files or perhaps in FSX scenery settings that might mitigate this?



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As we say in the Navy, "Belay my last" :D


Seriously, I think to have worked it out.  I used an oldie but a goodie, TweakFPS to "standardize" my graphics settings for further troubleshooting - used its "Standard VFR" setting.  The sliders are not as far to the right as the "VFR Screenshot" setting but the look is pretty good and I was getting frame rates in the 70's…and the FSX lock up seems to have gone away.  


I have RTFM (Read the Fantastic Manual) and I understand the recommended settings.  Using a TweakFPS setting, I'm coming in way under those settings.  I'm looking for what can "safely" be increased.


Right now I'm focused on "Level of detail radius" - recommended setting "Large" to reduce bluries.  If I understand this correctly, this is the area centered on the aircraft where the visual detail level is that set in Texture Resolution, Mesh complexity, Scenery complexity, etc.  So as the aircraft flies along, the center of the radius moves and more detailed scenery is loaded "at the front"–in the direction of travel.  I assume–but do not know for sure–that this is not a continuos process–that after the aircraft moves a certain distance FSX loads in another section of scenery in front of the aircraft and drops a section behind the aircraft.  So it happens in regular, periodic intervals, probably adjusted to the GS of the aircraft.  Setting the radius to "Large" means the section added is bigger (?)


If that is so, and if I've got my sliders pretty far right as the manual recommends, is it possible to load a section of scenery too big & complex…that my graphics card simply chokes on it?


Thoughts? :)

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35 minutes ago, Hangar200 said:

Right now I'm focused on "Level of detail radius" - recommended setting "Large" to reduce bluries.  If I understand this correctly, this is the area centered on the aircraft where the visual detail level is that set in Texture Resolution, Mesh complexity, Scenery complexity, etc.


Actually, Level of Detail radius affects Texture Resolution and Mesh Complexity only. The rest of the scenery usually has fixed display radiuses.


36 minutes ago, Hangar200 said:

So as the aircraft flies along, the center of the radius moves and more detailed scenery is loaded "at the front"–in the direction of travel.  I assume–but do not know for sure–that this is not a continuos process–that after the aircraft moves a certain distance FSX loads in another section of scenery in front of the aircraft and drops a section behind the aircraft.  So it happens in regular, periodic intervals, probably adjusted to the GS of the aircraft.  Setting the radius to "Large" means the section added is bigger (?)


Setting the radius to a higher value means that the radius around the aircraft where textures and mesh are displayed at the highest configured resolution is bigger. The radius moves continuously with the aircraft. I don't know how FSX does this processing internally, but I would assume that it loads/drops scenery sections to/from memory as required (as you said, in regular, periodic intervals, probably adjusted to the GS of the aircraft).


42 minutes ago, Hangar200 said:

If that is so, and if I've got my sliders pretty far right as the manual recommends, is it possible to load a section of scenery too big & complex…that my graphics card simply chokes on it?


Indeed, but the most "famous" effect is that FSX runs out of its virtual address space and you get an out of memory error. Setting the Level of Detail radius too high is one of the top causes of OOM errors, so you need to be careful with that! You can, of course, overload your graphics card as well, you'll get missing textures in this case (i.e. objects just being black).

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry so long getting  back - Thanks for the insights - I adjusted things using your comments as guidance and it fixed the issues I was having.  I'm still struggling with water - it seems to be a "goldilocks conundrum"  1 Med is too little, 1 high is just right (for me and my rig) - unfortunately I get big white to light blue "boxes" of non-textured water.  I'm working with 2 low and 2 med - looks great but I'm concerned what it is doing to memory.


Thanks again.  I'm using your comments as a reference. :) 

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You're welcome! :)


Yes, sometimes it is more of a "configuration simulator" than a flight simulator ...


Regarding the water issue: I don't think it is a memory problem, if something is untextured it would be just black. You could try to uncheck "frozen water surfaces" in the Vector control panel (and some of the regions have this setting as well), this might help. If not, I would suggest to open a new topic for this together with a screenshot and a location where you see those "boxes".


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Ah yes - I do have "freeze the lakes" checked.  


Right now I have it on 2x Low and the problem went away wth rather textures I can live with.


I know what you mean about untextured being just black - have seen that every now and then wth land textures - I bit funny looking with trees and other autogen sticking up. 


Nope the water non-textures were white.  If I have a chance in the coming weeks, I'll try to recreate i…after carefully recording my present settings that work well :).  If I can, I'll do as you suggest and start a new thread - 






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