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adsl+2 question


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hey all , was just wondering .  Iprimus have just got adsl+2 in my area and i have looked up the exchange its about 2km away. wat i would like to know that i cant find on there site is what speed do u goto once your capped "once u have gone over your download limit".

thanks for any help.



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It's possible that it's not just iprimus that you can get too.

With the dslams (the bit that makes ADSL gogo) that are in the exchange, if they are Telstra owned then any company can come on in and lease it from them for their customers. I would shop around and see if others such as TPG, iinet..etc also have a ADSL2+ available there as well.

Sometimes however some companies are putting their own gear in at the exchanges such as OnTheNet on the Gold Coast or Agile which is Internodes off shoot. They own them which means only that company can use them. There is one HUGE advantage to this however as then you normally can get Naked ADS which means no Telstra charges for the phone line as they don't own anything. Then you can have a VOIP service and never have to cough up to Teltra again!!

SHOP AROUND and get the best deal

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The NAKED Adsl is when you don't have a phone line. Yes I have VOIP too and I have a phone line as I don't have the ability to get Naked adsl, and you only need to put the signaling port out which is normally UDP 5060 via virtual server port.

With Naked you need a VOIP service as you will not have a normal Telstra Phone line, that's more to the point I was getting at.

Anyone on ADSL can use VOIP.

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yeah ive been shopping around , we are currently with iprimus and used to be on 256kb then i convinced my mum that for an extra $10 a month we could get 512kb. and all companies were telling me my area "port kennedy" wasnt covered. so about a month ago my friend that works for westnet told me he could get me on adsl+2 so we were waiting till the end of this month for the plan to end and iprimus sent out a letter saying its now avaliable in this area, and with a nice price. $79.95 a month for adsl+2 bundled with homephone and 200gb download limit.

i have a network with 3 computers and a laptop atm and my mum will be connecting a blur ray player once i get a switch to plug it into. and 512 just doesnt cut it. it does how ever give u alot of time to think while u wait for pages to load lol.

thanks for the info anyway guys.



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Use the following website to gain the best cost/deal for your internet. This is Broadband Choice from Australia's Broadband Website - Whirlpool.


I use it every time to gauge the deal that is best for me, as it has all the plans and is generally up to date with the correct plan offers from all the ISP's in AUS.

Just so you know too, every time I have see an ISP go to a massive limit on a plan for a cheap $ there is a massive rush from people to get on that plan. It results normally in

bad speeds as their network then becomes over subscribed (ISP doesn't care as they are then making $$$) however the end user then pays with very low speeds.

Stick to an ISP that has generally good plans (bang for buck!) but I wouldn't subscribe to one that has over inflated plans like that one as they tend to cause problems in the long run.

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While TPG suites me down to the ground with my plan which includes voip (I love the VoIP!), they have a plan of 80 (40 + 40) gig for $49.99, I think, but there is a catch - they will be counting the uploads as well as the standard download, on that plan.

The plan I have now is 25 + 25 peak/off peak with voip for $49.99 and only the download is counted. Looks like a marketing ploy to me - you get 80 gigs but that may be equivalent to a lesser plan that does not count the uploads?

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