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Pre-Migration sceneries -- how to install after "migration"?


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Hello All,


yesterday I was hit, unwittingly and unwillingly*, by the latest update/"migration", so am now up to date as far as the already installed Orbx sceneries are concerned.


However: I have a bunch of sceneries purchased earlier but not yet installed.

How to proceed with these?

I fear that simply running the installers as if nothing had happened yesterday (which I'd have greatly preferred...) will now lead to an unholy mess and mix of "migrated" and unmigrated sceneries, which almost certainly will create havoc.

For apparently some sort of "file format conversion" was involved, so those older sceneries (textures) are probably no longer compatible with the already installed and "migrated" rest.


Is any "migration" tool supposed to be (re-)run after each installation of such an "pre-migration" scenery?

If such a re-run is needed: Which tool? Any further instructions?


Thanks for all hints...



The Fiddler


* Among other things the "migration" not only triggered a 1.2 GB(!) download but also assumed, rather optimistically, that I had over 4 GB (!!) free on my hard disk for its purposes...

All this for a feature (no more region switching) which I have never missed, and don't really need or want. For me, region switching was fine, and forced me (a good thing!) to think a bit about what I was doing...

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