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All aircraft crash at YBBN 1.21 P3D


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Every time I load any aircraft at any location at YBBN, it crashes - and by that I mean the aircraft - not the program. I don't have this issue at NZQN, which is the only other ORBX airport I have installed. I have got NZ South Island installed, but not any of the AU terrain. Is this the issue, perhaps?

I have YBBN 1.21 running in P3D 3.2. Win 10 64-bit, 6700K, 16GB RAM, 980GTX Ti

I've updated FTXCentral2

My diagnostic report code is: ota96f4b11779d9bfe070e30a1502855e5

Many thanks


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Hi Jeff my name is also Jeff ( great name BTW  and spelt the right way too),


You wrote that you don't have "any AU Terrain", do you mean FTXAustraliaSP4 or do you mean that you have not yet installed "AU Holgermesh". Quite possibly your aircraft are spawning at an incorrect elevation without AUSP4 or AU Holgermesh, or you have Crash detection enabled, suggest turning it off.

The pre-requsite https://www.fullterrain.com/product/ybbn for installation of FTX YBBN payware and SPv1.20 v1.21 and its proper blend with surrounding terrain, is to have FTX_AU_SP4 at least and AU Holgermesh for correct elevations. You should also have Mesh Resolution set to 5m or (2m respectively for correct elevation and proper display of drainage ditches) Please read the "YBBN User Guide.pdf" for correct and optimal settings you can find it in FTXCentral listed under Oceania > YBBN Brisbane International.

AU Holgermesh can be downloaded here:https://www.fullterrain.com/freeware I would also recommend you purchase and install AustraliaSP4 if you do not yet have it.


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Thanks, Jeff ;-)


I went searching for my FTX AU disk and managed to find it and my FS Global disks = serendipity. FS Global seems to be installing much faster than it did originally!


I'll give it a go and hopefully problem solved. Thanks again.



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Hi Jeff,

I did as suggested, but got errors installing FTXAustraliaSP3 and SP4 as per the attached screenshots. FSGlobal installation also failed, but that's a separate issue.


So, I then completely uninstalled P3D (including all the registry keys) and downloaded and installed 3.3.5. to a different directory: c:\Prepar3d. No problems there.


I then installed the Holgermesh, then FTXAU SP3 and SP4. After each, I ran FTXCentral2, which after SP4 seemed to move a number of scenery files around using a cmd window.


As indicated, I have a disk with FTXAUSP3 on it, and I used TweakFS to direct the installer to my P3D installation. Whas this the wrong thing to do?


Running p3d at YBBN showed no problems. I then installed YBBN1.21, but when I tried to load an aircraft at a number of gates, I got a "crash" message and the sim reloaded at the default airport.


I realise I must have mucked it up somehow, and would be grateful for any advice.





could not find terrain.cfg.JPG

ftx central failure.JPG

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Hi Jeff,


EDIT: I read that you have now got the Crossgrade licence, so I have struck out the lower portion of my reply.


Sue is correct, I had wrongly assumed you were using FSX in which case you would have had no problems.

The reason the installer can't find the terrain.cfg during installation of AUSP3/4.003 from the DVD is that P3Dv3.3.x is has a different folder and file layout to an FSX:MS/DVD install.

P3D however will require you to have the correct installer for your P3Dv3.3 -.3.5 Sim (The "Quad installer) available to all purchasers of DVD products as a free download if original product was purchased through FSS repurchase for free as DL $0.00, If not purchased through FSS at say PC Aviator or FSPilotShop, you will need a Crossgrade licence at FSS providing the necessary proof of purchase. Read here:http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/75513-fss-cross-grade-offer-for-all-orbx-dvd-customers-from-other-online-stores/  and here: http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?currency=GBP&products_id=2810 for details.

Sue is also correct with the use of EMT and other migration tools (TweekFS), Orbx cannot support such installations. All 4 Simulator types are currently supported for all bar about 4 Orbx products still to have quad installation (I tip my hat to Ed Corriea he has done an absolutely stellar job getting all products into Quad installers).

AustraliaSP4 has a Quad installer and is compatible with P3Dv3.3.x



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OK, so I finally sorted my cross-grade licence and installed AUSP4.  I now have FS Global 2010, FTXAUSP4, FTX Global Base and FTX Vector.

I still crash on loading at YBBN. Interestingly check out the aerobridge position in the screenshot. That's supposedly in the "docked" position. P3D obviously thinks I'm higher than I really am...


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Hi Jeff,


You seem to be trying to cosy up to gate "84" international Gates, designed for 747 and 787 Heavies, aerobridges will struggle to attach to a 737, which might be why the aerobridge is sticking up in the air. Try a 747 and see if the bridge attaches correctly. Gates GA medium around the domestic hubs are more suitable for 737's but will mostly be occupied by Virgin and Qantas & Jetstar depending on levels of Commercial AI Jets.

Another thing I note in you picture is a power unit / ground service attached to your 737, are you by chance using GSX for ground services, that may explain your continued object crashes at YBBN.

Beyond that I can't think of anything else that might cause an object crash on the apron or at the gates (unless you have still got crash detection switched on).

As I don't use P3D, nor any ground service utilities, it might be best for the Orbx team to take it from here.

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