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FTX global Lights Missing

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Yes its me again back with the problem that I have been facing for around 3 months...

This has really upset me as night flying is fun and there is nothing like being on approach with some night 3D orbs in vast quantity which is a feeling I haven't felt in a very long time.


Now whats the problem?


I re-install FSX se and in doing that I had to re-install FTX global. Now to note I operated windows 8.1 and then upgraded to windows 10 with no issues. I hadn't done much night flying ( That I remember ).  Point is that I am not sure whether the upgrade to windows 10 is the issue however no one has reported anything similar to mine in the large amount of research that I have done. 


The issue is that I do NOT get much night lighting within FSX SE, I get mostly long highways lighten with the FTX orbs but nothing else which looks rather gross. In highly vegetated cities or villages like Vancouver light looks better for some reason. Cities like London, Munich, LA, Sidney and list goes on look really bad. I have even tried product like TABURET which look good but cost more money and have severe performance impact ( In london I received 1 frame with Taburet) 


Main Points:

  • Not much night lighting
  • Only big highways are light
  • Not sure whether upgrade to windows 10 effected anything
  • Autogene maxed out
  • I have FTX light installed


Now I would really appreciate and ideas support and I haven't received much or any, to have an answer to this issue or even better a fix would mean the world to me!



#1: vancouver20160610220428_1.jpg20160520214803_1.jpg

#2: gibraltar: Looks good there

#3: Toronto

#4: Sydney



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  • 2 weeks later...

" The issue is that I do NOT get much night lighting within FSX SE, I get mostly long highways lighten with the FTX orbs but nothing else which looks rather gross. In highly vegetated cities or villages like Vancouver light looks better for some reason. Cities like London, Munich, LA, Sidney and list goes on look really bad. I have even tried product like TABURET which look good but cost more money and have severe performance impact ( In london I received 1 frame with Taburet)  "


Frustration takes its ugly actions on us all!  Please do not throw me under the bus if you do not like what I am going to say.  It is just my opinion expressed from my 20 years of using FSX.


With your choices of scenery addons you are mixing apples and oranges.  In my experience you cannot make Taburet look better.  It is an picture of the ground!  They do not put any other programming into their products worth having.   They are made for daytime eye wash!  


As far as the Orbx, they have a plan on layering software which is like GEX/FEX suites by other vendors.   Mixing various products result in what you are seeing.  If you cover the GLOBAL or GEX software with other 3rd party area, city or airport with another, you will lose your base textures.  About the only thing that will bleed through the top cover is Mesh!


Hope this helps....  I would recommend not slapping the guys you are asking help for.





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A few points:


- Grab the free FTX Global Lights configurator from the bottom of the freeware page: https://fullterrain.com/freeware This will allow you to increase the size of the light balls meaning they will be more prominent from a longer distance.


- Secondly, all our FTX regions are getting a free massive lighting overhaul soon, beginning with FTX England, the rest of the U.K. and Ireland and then all the FTX NA regions. OpenLC NA contains over 140 enhanced lit cities. This does not take any FPS hit at all, meaning you can likely do without other 3rd party lighting apps. There are preview screenshots in the preview forum that show you the effect of these upgrades.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I fixed the issue with the help of those at mutleys... Turns out that my installation process was missing a lot of autogene and other stuff. I went and installed the libs form ORBX with some look at my cfg fixed it. still doesn't look great as it takes a while to load but better then nothing


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