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Wifeys Computer Problems


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I'm having the following problems with my wifes computer and really at a loss of what to do, short of buying a new computer.

We've tried two different power supplies, both a minimum of 450w.

We've replaced the mb about 6 months ago, memory, cmos battery, video card, in fact everything except the hard drive.

But after a couple of weeks the computer then starts to random shutdown.  And increases in frequency after that.  She does 3d rendering, so as you can imagine the time of a render can run into days, so a random shutdown can be a problem.

Now you're probably thinking, ah the computer is under load, but no, it can be sitting there at the desktop, doing nothing, and bang, down it goes.

We've replaced the heatsinks on the cpu.

But the interesting thing is, when it resets you have to physically unplug the computer before it will start again.

Also she has had problems with the computer restarting even when telling it to shutdown, not sure if it's related or not.

New computer?  Its quite old, but we don't really have the money to replace it.

So the cpu is an intel2, the vid card a GT9500 (I think), 4gig in generic memory (2 sticks of two).  One SATA drive, and one SATA Dvd recorder.


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Sounds to me you have a virus onboard there ............

Also to get some more detailed info on what exactly you have there get this handy little free tool to analize your system as to what hardware you have and wich OS you use.

the tooly is called SIW and you can get it here => http://www.gtopala.com/siw-download.html  go for the free version with Installer ;)

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This was happen to my pc, turned out to be heat related, it was a safety thing to stop the cpu from over heating, just check that your cpu heatsink fan is seated probable over the cpu and clipped in, and the cradle is properly clip on all four corners and onto the back mother board, some time it can look like it is but the smallest amount heat expansion can break that thermal greases seal on your cpu and it will shut down in seconds of just turning it on, I know you did say you replaced it, but if the bottom cradle is the problem and you just put a new heatsink & fan on top it mite of got missed. And yes the  new heatsink mite have work for a little bit, but like I said the smallest amount heat expansion can break that thermal greases seal on your cpu and it will shut down in seconds, if this turns out to be the prob you well have to take it of and redo the thermal greases, also thing about fan size.

Just something to think about good luck,  Goobs

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Thanks, I've looked at the heat sink a couple of times as that was my first thought would of been the problem.  Countless tubes of goop, and scrapping of the old goop, I don't think it's this anymore.

I know she's had a virus in the past, but with all the checks we've done recently, there hasn't been a problem, but may change and try again, but would that stop it re starting until you totally remove the power?

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I'd say there is a distinct possibility that there is a Virus at work that can and is infecting the actual BIOS  yes people they do exist.

secondly the PSU you describe is too small for the hardware you have outlined.

My steps would be

Replace the PSU with a 550-650 W or so to give yourself some headroom in the power department.

Install a new HDD and do a virgin install of your chosen OS on it and don't bother about updates either you only want the bare install, then immediately install A2 Free and MBAM ( Malware Bytes Anti Malware ) and AVG AV.

Run a Scan of the main board and memory with A2Free and then with MBAM followed by AVG Reason anyone that relies on only one AV program is really asking for trouble. The Scans above CAN all be done at the same time too, bugs CAN and DO manage to hide, but can seldom hide from 2 active scans done concurrently.

This will hopefully determine whether your MoBo is infected or not.

Then swap your old HDD back in and reboot, repeating the above procedure again.

Hopefully you will at least have a clean system now.

Make sure you have plenty of airflow in and through your PC Case and out through the PSU too, a PSU under stress creates excess heat, excess heat increases resistance, resistance increases voltage drop, voltage drop creates and unstable system, that can manifested in many different ways similar to what you have described.

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Sweet thanks for the notes guys, I gave her computer another decent scan with an online scanner, as well as AVG, and it found a couple of things, deleted them and so far....  It seems to be going ok.

3 Days without it going down, so hoping....

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