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PAHO amber runway markings


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I've got a strange problem with the PAHO runway.

A few hundred feet ahead of the viewpoint e.g. VC the touchdown zone markers (except the 1000ft marker), edge lines and threshold markings turn from white to amber.

Looks really weird. Anyone else getting this?





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Hi polarbear,


That looks like texture mip-map filtering, I'll take a look at the files to see if the filtering can be improved at distance. Sometimes mipmaps can be forced to display more accurate color values for longer, other times the texture sheet just gets too small. Increasing anisotropic filtering can also help fight inaccurate mipmaps at distance.

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just edited the dds even more into white and for me it's perfect now. Instead of the runway markings turning amber, the hold short line turns white but that happens far away and when flying you are generally focused on the runway and not the taxiway.


Thanx a lot for this super fast and super nice fix :)

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