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Guest boeingqa

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Good choice.

Just make sure the BIOS is UTD.

Looking at the Extreme features, I think the name is appropriate .. ie if you were going to do some extreme OC'ing ... then sure.

My UD5 has a gentle bit of clock on it ... and its fine ... and I'm sure I'm not pushing the envelope.

The other board worth considering is the XfX - which wasn't available when I bought mine.

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Guest boeingqa

thx for that, l`ve seen people push the i7 to 4ghz... and l have the pdf from gigabyte on how to do it..

thx bud

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Guest boeingqa

Ok thanks for that, o well too late l bought the ex58-ud5  l heard its the same board apart from some diff things..

Thanks again, l`m sure l should be able to bring it to 4ghz.


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LOL! Just as I was bragging ...

The Orbx Uber2 PC has crapped itself this morning>:( :'(

First sign was that the overclock failed and it was back to default 2.67Ghz and voltage. I had not done any BIOS updates at all, so that was weird. After about 10 minutes of poking around I got a BSOD.


Oh well, back to the system builder it goes for a refund if they can't get me a stable PC.  It's a damn good thing I had not yet transferred my development environment across to this machine. I just was not 100% trusting of the beast after all the birth pains it went through (the system builders took a month to get me a PC which booted stable).

Did I mention that I prefer laptops? Especially Dells. Dells are like a Boeing - they just keep going!  ;D

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Guest boeingqa

Laptops are a little pricey, well l bought the following.

i7 920


antec 902 case

antec 850 watt TP PS

corsair ddr3 1600 6gig

gigabyte gtx285

overclock to say 4ghz

this should kick butt.

Thx guys


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JV - if the early BIOS on the Extreme board was the same as the UD5, the first three BIOS updates were dogs.

That might go part of the way towards explaining the instability problems.

When Giga-byte finally updated to a stable (F4) bios, it was to fix "CPU compatibility issues" (lol - there were only three CPUs available at the time)

Sorry to hear about the death of the uberPC though

... I think I'll leave mine at its current OC until ready to upgrade.

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