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Open LC Europe ate my UK Trees

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So I recently took the plunge with Orbx Open LC Europe. Works great everywhere except the UK. For some reason no matter what I do there are no trees in the UK.


P3D 2.4 relevant Addons:

-Orbx Global

-Orbx Vector

-Orbx Open LC Europe

-Orbx Trees HD

-UK2000 EGKK



So far I've tried enabling and disabling "use orbx trees" and "use ftx trees HD" in FTX Central 2, moving the insertion points around in my scenery library, running the Vector automatic configurator, updating my ORBX libraries, disabling FreeMeshX in my scenery library, running hybrid mode on and off, and reinstalling open LC.

P3D 2.4 scenery library oder:

-Addon airports



-ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE (1 through 10 in order)




-Default entries (africa, asia, europe, etc)

-ORBX!VECTOR_OBJ, APT, CVX, EXX (in that order)

-1107 Base all the way down


-Default Scenery

-Default Terrain

Sorry for the long post but wanted to stress I've tried a few things so far and what didn't work.

Here is what approaching Gatwick looks like with all Open LC entries in the Scenery Library deactivated



Here is what it looks like with all Open LC entries activated



It seems the Open LC entries in my scenery library add a layer over the existing terrain with the new textures but the trees are underneath (based only on my observations and switching these pictures back and forth)

After some reading and a bunch of trial and error the problem child seems to be OLC_10. Deactivating that one in my scenery library seems to have solved the issue of the added terrain layer on top of the existing one, so I've got my trees back and everything in the UK is how it was with just ORBX Global and Vector. It's not a permanent solution but a temporary fix.

I was told that perhaps the problem is either missing the autogendescriptions file or the terrain.cfg has been corrupted.


Screenshot out of Munich EDDM for comparison, all Open LC entries activated



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