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EU England - Lands End, Trees in Approach


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Hi there


Today I flew to Lands End (EGHC) and had to use RW34 due to 15 kts from 300°. While on final I had to avoid high trees between me and the runway.


As I know this Airport from real flights, there are no trees in any of the approches. Also there are acutally almost no high trees on the whole Landsend Peninsula, due to the constant strong winds there. There are mostly some kind of bushes.


I added a Screenshot from EU-England in P3D v3.1 with the marked trees, plus a Google Earth Screenshot.


BTW: Lands End Airport got two concret Runways since July 2014 (see 3rd Screen shot). Maybe you could change this aswell ? :-)


best regards


Simon Stoll






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