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Question NL2000


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Hi All. Have just downloaded all of the Airports for Netherlands from above site, did not realise there was so many. Am not going to use their photo scenery, just the airports and whant to know if I need the 3D buildings package  or does Orbx scenery take care of that. All so do I need their ai package or just use my UT 2. Thanks Derek.

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I haven't used their scenery for many a year, I just have Orbx Global, UTX and OpenLC for Europe which in combo is excellent.


You need their objects libraries for airports package and their airports. Mandatory objects used by most airports of NL2000, including Effects and AI Airplanes.  You don't really need the AI Package but it might work well with their airports.


Orbx has nothing to do with the NL2000 airports and their objects. They are designed to be all inclusive along with the photoscenery and other objects.


The 3D objects like buildings, windmills, ships and bridges should work OK without the photo scenery I think it might depend if you are using UTX vector scenery or Orbx Vector, object placement might be off some ...I am not sure on this.  Perhaps their manual says something about this.


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Another point to bear in mind is that although the Netherlands is largely flat, you may find their airports have been flattened and the runways adjusted to agree with their photo scenery and will not therefore match what Orbx or the default scenery shows.



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Hi Guys and thanks Peter did load EHAM and seemed OK, but think was in slew mode just to have a look around and JohnY havnt had a good look around yet and just remembered have not used the Vector flatten thingy, God I hate this getting old. He he. Cheer's Derek.

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Join the club mate.   I'm driving to Basingstoke tomorrow morning from Minehead to visit family there.  Can you arrange for some decent weather there for us please?!!



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