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Stationary PC on a plane overseas...


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Hey, this is probably a stupid question for many, however I'm pretty stupid when it comes to eletrical knowlege!  :P

I'm moving to Brazil from Norway and I just bought a high end pc wich I want to bring with me to Brazil. So I have two questions... the first is if I can use this PC safely in my appartment in Brazil as Norway uses 230V and 50HZ, and Brazil uses 220V and 60HZ. My other question is if my pc will be safe for transport in a suitcase wrapped well in bubble plastic???

Any ideas?? Tips??

Thanks in advance!!  8)

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Based purely on my electronics knowledge,

Possibly to the First question and a definate No the the second.

I would remove ALL the HDD's and pack them in your Hand luggage for a start and then any PCI and other plug in boards should be removed from the mainboard and repacked in the case wrapped in Bubble wrap (SO NOTHING CAN MOVE and is well padded).

The Airline baggage handlers tend to be a bit aggressive at times. And you WILL no doubt be asked to open the Case as XRAY may not penetrate that well.

As for the Power supply I'd be inclined to remove the PSU and purchase one either in Norway  or when you get to brazil that is better suited and compatable with the local power available ie buy a 60 Hz 220 one before leaving for Brazil or obtain one there.

I'd not chance it as sometimes the shift from 50 to 60 Hz can cause many issues that might eventually kill your PC this is likely to be of a bigger concern than the 230-240 v 220 issue .

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Yeah, I know airport baggage handlers love to juggle with luggage...

Well, don't know if it's worth the effort on transporting the pc... was hoping on a big yes to both questions...  :'(

Thanks for the reply annyway  :)

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