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FTX openLC NA Alaska Canada 100.6 Unwrapper not working


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I have tried for hours to get the unwrapper to unwrap, but it gets to about 75% then stalls. I have my virus and firewall off, and over 260 GB's on hardrive free. I have downloaded new installer twice, but still no luck. Thanks for your help, I have most of FTX programs this is the first time this has happened. Bob

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Hi Bob 


Try to use the downloader as recommended in the download page of FSS. I used Free Download Manager and downloaded from Cloud server in 15 minutes. Unwrapping had no problem for me. Check the date format when enter.





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Thank you Terry I will try with a different downloader. I found with FTX installers once I put in the requirements for proof of purchase the installer never asks again. Last weekend I did a complete reinstall of FSX, with no issue on all the FTX installers. Strange this one is giving me an issue. You mentioned date format, I'm assuming you talking about proof of purchase, because I cut and paste, dates order numbers and registration numbers, with no issue, and as mentioned once entered never required again. Thanks for you help, Bob.

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I have tried for hours to get the unwrapper to unwrap, but it gets to about 75% then stalls. I have my virus and firewall off, and over 260 GB's on hardrive free. I have downloaded new installer twice, but still no luck. Thanks for your help, I have most of FTX programs this is the first time this has happened. Bob


You say you have 260 GB's free on the hard drive, but is that your C:\ drive? The wrapper unwraps to C:\ (or whichever drive you have your Windows temp file on) and NOT to the drive where your sim is installed, if it happens to be on a different one.


Make sure you have those free GB's on your C:\ drive.




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Jack. That is correct, my sim is on different drive, and FTX installer is on C with 260GB free space. I know the unwrapper uses temp and the installer installs to FSX. This such a mystery after clean install of all my FTX products unwrapped and installed last weekend. I have England, Wales, Scotland, PWN, Northern California, Southern Alaska, Fjords, Global and Vector. All installed without issue. Thanks Bob

I also have opened a service support ticket with FSS.

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This is a known issue with orbx unwrappers with some PCs but no solution - have been in discussion with FS Store for a couple of months about it - everything seems to work in the end but I am advised it can take many hours and to be patient!



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