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Australian weather

John York

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Well, the idea was to fly from Port Macquerie to Redcliffe and it started out very pleasantly in real world weather;

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Looks like spaghetti junction up ahead and the clouds seem to be building but I'm fairly high at 8000' so when I get a bit further I might be able to duck underneath them

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As I got closer to Redcliffe though the weather was closing it in completely so I diverted to Brisbane.  At least I could get an ILS landing there

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Visibility is certainly a bit better here but frankly I don't fancy that landing specially as I'm already on ILS approach

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I could have landed it myself after all

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Good ole ILS

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Can't say I was expecting this sort of weather in Australia!

That's the longest flight I've done in Australia, or elsewhere as far as I remember.  Didn't quite realise just how far it was.  Still, at 249 kts all the way, it still got me there in a couple of hours.  Bit boring though some of it I must admit.

You know that default Lear is not at all bad.  I've got the freeware Premair Learjet 60Rocawlings but even with the upgrade the textures are usless so I think I'll ditch it!


Thank you ImageShack

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