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Posts posted by Couger

  1. Ok so I went into yssy today to take a screenshot of the textures.  I can’t explain it but everything looks great.  No mess of textures or default textures showing on runways and taxiways.   I have no idea what I did to fix it but it is.   

    thing is I am still having a small issue with the buildings around Sydney being black until the building textures load but it takes about 30 seconds for it to load.  It happens on approach to the airport but it’s not limited to the airport.  Some buildings around the cbd of Sydney are black to.  Until eventually load.  
    any idea why this might be happening?

  2. Ok so I have not got any Rex products.   All my scenery is from Orbx.   I have looked at the order at which each scenery is in but I can’t select any of the addon scenery to move up or down.  They are greyed out in the scenery menu in p3d.   Is there a reason why they are greyed out.  From memory they didn’t used to be like that.  I did uninstall the yssy software and all the default textures look fine.  But when installed again it goes back to a mess.  The default textures are mixed in with the addon textures.   Also I don’t have ftx australia but I have australia mesh installed.  I assume that they are a similar thing?


    anyway I came to Orbx because all my scenery I have is from Orbx including the flytampa yssy that I got from Orbx.  

  3. Hi. I have a problem with yssy V2.  I previously had v1 installed which I got from flytampa direct.  And the issue started there.   I thought getting V2. Might fix it but hasn’t.  What is happening is it is showing bot h the ft.  And the default textures mixed into 1.   And I have grass on taxiways and grass on runways and all sorts of mess.  I have un installed and reinstalled.  But nothing has fixed it.  I also have the mesh australia installed but when I uninstalled it it made no difference.    Please help!!!!!!!


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