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Crom UK

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Posts posted by Crom UK

  1. The changelog for the GB Central update shows the following:


    3 new hero POIs - Bamburgh and Alnwick Castles and One Angel Square
    Removed duplicate Lincoln Cathedral
    Fixed late popping in of Etihad Stadium (Manchester) and Swing Bridge (Newcastle) models
    Adjusted Newcastle POIs to fit with the new photogrammetry data
    Fixed CIS Tower duplication in Manchester
    Fixed material settings with Deansgate (Manchester) and Sage Gateshead (Newcastle) models


    I for one posted on a topic in the legacy forum in September last year (Can we expect a EU GB central patch soon?) where the late popping in of Etihad Stadium (Manchester) was mentioned.  However I also raised an issue with Blackpool pleasure beach which still only appears when right on top of it. 


    Will this be addressed? and if so when?

  2. 6 hours ago, paulb said:


    Thanks John. Takes me less than 5 minutes to load. I must get back to P3D v4 soon for some different aircraft. MSFS2020 will be a late September purchase for me after I get the new pc.

    Looking at your PC specs I would expect it to run MSFS2020 on Ultra or a mixture of high and ultra on that monitor.


    Since SU5 I've been happily running MSFS on Ultra on the same GPU (admittedly on a 1080p monitor) with Photogrammetry enabled and various Orbx scenery.  OK, if I want Ultra in VR I'd want to replace the GPU and the HMD for that matter.

    • Like 1
  3. There is a post on the official MS forum where another user has been experiencing the same issue.  This user had now reported it resolved with the following steps:


    Ok, I experimented some more:

    • Shut down sim
    • Uninstalled all Seafront products (they where installed into Orbx Central “Library”).
    • Restarted sim. Still no ships around Gibraltar
    • Shut down sim, reinstalled Seafront Enhanced AI (this time into Orbx Central “Simulator”)
    • Restarted and now I could see the occasional sail boat and also a single Maersk container freighter on its way into the Atlantic
    • Shut down sim, installed Seafront Global Shipping (also into Orbx Central “Simulator”)
    • Restarted and now the Gibraltar straight was dotted with ships, small and large.


  4. I would highly recommend a mod called Addon Linker.


    This allows you to install all addons, freeware and payware in a location that you want to, you can even organise them into a folder structure e.g. Scenery, Aircraft, Airports, Utilities etc.  The Linker creates symbolic links inside your community folder so that the sim sees what it needs to.


    Makes it so easy when a new sim update comes out as you remove the links within Addon linker, and the addons are then not loaded.  


    Also if you have a lot of scenery you can manage which scenery is loaded depending on where you aim to fly.  So if you have US scenery but are going to fly in the EU, easily remove the US scenery by unticking the links before you launch the sim.  


    There are Youtube videos that show you how to set this up.


    Personally I use this for all my freeware as these are usually the ones that cause the issues and payware products, like Orbx are usually quickly fixed if there is a problem, so I do actually leave them in my Community folder.

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  5. Probably not.  


    In the thread below a similar question was asked in relation to the scenery at RAF Menwith Hill as the domes conflict with a VFR addon. 


    Nick responded with "as far as I am aware, there is no easy way to add or take away various individual POIs.


    Like you I also had lots of addon scenery for the North of England but hated that all of these individual sceneries had to be manually monitored for updates and conflicts, I wanted one package so that I did not have to mess around after every sim update. 


    Orbx Central seemed to offer the solution so I ditched all the free versions.


    However there is still good freeware addons that provide content that Orbx Central is missing, a couple of freeware modders have actually updated their collections to remove the Orbx Central conflicts and have labelled the packs as compatible with Orbx. 


    For me this has still not removed my initial requirement when I purchased Orbx Central but I still have less overall packages in my Community folder to manage with more content.



    • Like 2
  6. Have you purchased anything else from Orbx central and if so does that work?   


    When you install via Orbx Central it offers you two install locations, are all your Orbx Central purchases installed in the same location?


    You can check if the sim is seeing the seafront content by looking in your content.xml if so you should have an entry like this:

    <Package name="seafront-sightseeing-vessels-core" active="true"/>


    If there are no seafront entries in your content.xml then the sim is not seeing the location of where you have installed the product.


    I don't have any scenery around Brisbane, sorry I also don't know the area so I loaded in at random over Port Brisbane with Ships/Ferries and Leisure boats at 100% and saw four or five vessels straight away and I don't have the Global Shipping.


    There wasn't a lot but they were easily seen.





  7. In the Sim, go to options. Then General Options.


    From the menu on the left select Traffic


    Under Land And Sea Traffic move the sliders for Leisure Boats to 100.  Move the slider for Ships and Ferries to 100.


    The Enhanced AI replaces the stock Asobo vessels.  Setting the Leisure Boats to 100 will show small craft and sailing ships on the coast near to population areas.


    Global Shipping adds a couple of extra models and also adds sea lane routes.  You have to look for those craft out in the ocean afaik.


    Henrik's Global AI shipping also adds sea lane traffic but since SU5 has been causing lots of lag spike so I'd recommend removing that one, as it also clashes with Seafronts Global Shipping, as they both inject sea lane traffic.


    Seafront recommend the value of 80-100 but I prefer 100

    • Like 1
  8. No the default LOWI is still there.  A suggestion is to uninstall the default LOWI via the content manager or edit the Content.XML so that the entry is false, saves two LOWIs being loaded and causing conflicts.


    <Package name="asobo-airport-lwoi-innsbruck" active="false"/>


    I have the EGGP I bought through Orbx Central and after SU5 there was a UK World Update which re-installed the Asobo EGGP, after the update I went in to the content manager and manually deleted EGGP.


    So for you I'd suggest the following:


    1) unlink the Orbx LOWI

    2) update MSFS to SU5

    3) got to content manager and uninstall LOWI or edit the content.xml

    4) link Orbx LOWI


    good luck


    • Like 1
  9. I did a couple of flights out of EGLC last night and all but one was successful.  As well as Orbx's EGLC I'm running with Photogrammetry on and the London City Pack.


    I was initially in the FI spitfire and tried to fly through Tower Bridge as I'd seen on a video early, that did not work out well.  So on reload I tried the Orbx Optica from EGLC and got my first CTD in ages.


    Tested the Optica elsewhere and it was fine.  Came back to EGLC later with the Optica and again it was fine.  So no idea what caused the CTD.


    What I am experiencing is severe Stutters, which once started continue for 30 seconds and it's unplayable until they stop.  However I also saw this at NYC so it's not an Orbx issue.


    I'm assuming that the stutters are caused by the influx of new players putting extra load on the servers causing lag as you download the scenery files.  Certainly there are noticeably more players on.  Last night I counted 18 flying round Anglesey when normally there are one or two.  And turning off all other players (how I normally fly) did not stop the stutters.


    Changing the weather conditions also introduces stutters whilst it loads up the new lighting and cloud.  If I'm right this will hopefully improve as MS sort the server situation out of the new player influx calms down.

  10. As far as I am aware the Asobo created aircraft that come with the sim do not have manuals.


    Any payware aircraft purchased from either Orbx Central or the in game Marketplace do have manuals.  Purchased through the Marketplace the aircraft are installed to the Official folder whereas Orbx Central and other sources go in to your Community folder.


    The Orbx Optica for example is in my Community folder .... \Community\Orbx-aircraft-optica\Resources\Documentation


    Indiafoxtech's T-45 is slightly different and other planes may choose a different location .... \Community\indiafoxtecho-t45c\SimObjects\Airplanes\IndiaFoxtEcho_T45C\docs


    I purchased the Mooney through the marketplace and this is as follows ..... \Official\Steam\carenado-aircraft-m20r-ovation\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado_M20R_Ovation\Documentation



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  11. I think that will all depend upon where you installed the files to when you used Orbx Central.  This is an assumption as I've installed all my Orbx addons into MSFS.  I only use Addon Linker for freeware.


    If you set the install location away from MSFS and were using addon linker for the Orbx scenery, removing the symbolic link to MSFS should not cause an issue with Orbx Central because the files are still in the location that you installed them to when using Orbx Central.

  12. Hi Adam,


    So if you remove Orbx's EGLC do you get pink textures on the default version? 


    If not could someone at Orbx look at Adam's screenshot and identify what is the texture name which is being used where the pink areas appear?  Either Orbx are using their own texture there and that is maybe corrupted, or they are calling a default texture but either way I would have thought that they could confirm which texture it is.


    As an FYI I was following a thread on the official forum which I believe you posted to as I'm seeing pink textures on a freeware airport, but only at a distance.  I found two folders where the textures were and renamed those folders.  Starting the sim I noticed a hell of a lot more pink textures because for some reason the Sim did not download the missing textures and I could not find the option to force it.



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