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Posts posted by AdmiralNimitz04

  1. Hi,


    I can't find any way to contact the developer of the KSEA that was just released. Is there a way (either through a community addition/modification) or through the files to disable the static aircraft at KSEA?


    They don't look super great (the Prime Air 738s have the wrong paint scheme, for example) and they're put in a lot of the wrong spots. For example, Delta and United don't use the D concourse. I'd like to be able to use those gates and unfortunately they are blocked.


    Is there anyone or any way to rectify this?

  2. 17 hours ago, Ed Correia said:

    In both instances the control panel is merely switching off and on the KDCA_Static.BGL and KMDW_Static.BGL files as requested by DD.


    Both of the files are model library files and don't contain any placement information so I suggest that they are contacted directly as to why their files don't appear to be working.

    Hi, Ed,


    I initially started by reaching out to DD on the issue through their support forum and they declared that, "That is an issue with the installer, not the models."


    Advice on how to continue?

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