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Everything posted by Dorb375

  1. Here's some lists of POIs derived from previous Orbx POI request threads. In KML format suitable for viewing in Google Earth and in a CSV format that can be imported directly into Little Navmap, Plan G or Avitab. The UK list has been curated. Merged from all KMZ/KML files I could find on the Orbx POI request threads for South, Central and North. Both Orbx posted and user requests, whether accepted or not. I added some extra POIs, pruned a little in dense city areas and then in the CSV the POIs are classified. The USA based lists are similarly extracted from Orbx POI request threads, but although I've merged all KML/KMZ files, I've spent very little time curating. You will get most out of the lists if you're using Orbx TE regions for XPlane, since many of the structures will have been explicitly modelled. However, it should also be useful for others running e.g. MSFS with Little Navmap POI_CSVs_20211108.zip
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