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  1. It seems not to be the solution I had hoped... My 'fix' seems to work if you're loading into ESSB, but if you then leave the immediate area (i.e., the autogen 'unloads') and then return (i.e., require the autogen to reload)... then lots of buildings are missing again. With nordic procedural buildings uninstalled in content manager, though, everything works fine. Hopefully someone / Asobo can find a fix for this issue soon.
  2. Based on 3-4 tries - this seems to work for me: (1) delete procedural buildings from nordic update; (2) load ESSB; (3) quit to main menu; (4) reinstall procedural buildings (v quick - only 88kb); (5) reload ESSB. So far - that's worked so that I have all autogen showing (no missing areas) and the using the nordic autogen. May or may not work every time - maybe I've just been lucky. But worth a try
  3. Thanks for the quick response, Marcus! Disabling / deleting 'Procedural Buildings' for the Nordics update (via content manager) seems to fix the problem for now. Not entirely sure what's 'lost' by deleting the procedural buildings (are these regional autogen 'types'??), but for ESSB at least, everything looks good now. Thanks again for a great airport (and the quick fix)!
  4. First of all - the new ESSB airport looks great and no issues with airport buildings / objects themselves. But I have large 'flat' areas of missing (autogen?) buildings all around the airport - see some example pictures attached. Cleared content.xml and scenery dat files etc. - no change. Seems a bit similar to issue at a couple of other Orbx airports (e.g., there's a similar active issue re: KBUR). Any advice?
  5. I often read - but rarely post - on these forums, but I was so (unpleasantly!) disappointed by YBBN that I felt the need to add my +1 to these comments! Fully agree with all quality issues listed in the previous comments. I've bought pretty much everything Orbx has done over the last many years and this is first one that has been a serious disappointment. The quality is far below the standard I would normally associate with Orbx (or with any of the leading developers for MSFS cited by others previously). Whatever reasons / dev process led to this outcome for YBBN - I really hope it is not an approach / method adopted for any other Orbx products in the future.
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