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Everything posted by techstepman

  1. Mr Cooper thank you very much. Im sorry for , well ... everything. In the manual it was different and in game the cockpit just like in the vid the ammo sign was not there. Didnt think to mouse over. I assumed it wasnt implemented. Now im happy. Thanks again. I'll make sure to tell my friends that it was my fault and that there was nothing wrong with Orbx.
  2. Mr Cooper this is very frustrating. Is this humor or a genuine attempt to insult me? I have the manual right in front of me. What you show me on the first vid is the "Top Nuclear armament Control Panel" and not the "Weapons visual manager panel" that Orbx advertises. I do not see any kind of weapons on the wings pylons in the first vid. Im providing a screenshot of the manual. It clearly states that the "weapon panel" ,that is advertised to also work in msfs on this page https://orbxdirect.com/product/gks-mig21-msfs "Weapons visual manager panel" , is intended for p3d and pro, whatever those things are. Its not meant for msfs. If i was aware that there is no "Weapons visual manager panel" for the msfs version of the plane i wouldnt have bought it, thats why a refund would be welcome and thats why i feel i was scammed. I did not buy this aircraft from the msfs marketplace and i bought it from Orbx just so i can see weapons on the wing pylons. In that page you can also see screenshots with missiles and rockets on the planes wings. Other addon developers like sim skunk works provided an app that could be used while in game to load up a g91 with weapons and other stuff. There is no app in the mig 21 installation folder that would do that. Please do provide a video of how you can make missiles appear on the wings of the plane. Also please show me with a screenshot where in the manual does it say how to control the weapons visuals. I found this in youtube. What you see in this vid is what i expected...but without any hidden addon mechanic. It does not happen so i must assume this vid is somekind of fake. Just to make sure i checked in Orbx central and it says my mig 21 version is 1.2.0 . I checked again and again just to be sure and i checked one more time after your response. Peoples lives depend on me everyday at work and knowing how to read is an important part of that. The fact remains that Orbx advertises a feature that does not exist both in writting and with images. Also if you didnt intend to insult me then you also confirmed with your ignorance that you are not aware of any "Weapons visual manager panel" as is advertised and thats why you confused it with the "Top Nuclear armament Control Panel". Please correct me if im wrong with actual vids (if possible) on how to activate weapon visuals on the wings pylons. p.s. what airport is that on those vids. I really like the scenery.
  3. About the Mig - 21 bis sold from Orbx https://orbxdirect.com/product/gks-mig21-msfs in this description , which i read before purchasing this plane from you, it says "Weapons visual manager panel". Such a feature does not exist. Either you lied to me or G.K.S. lied to you. Also the plane manual is made for P3D (whatever that is). The sound is sub par compared with other addons you provide and the afterburner texture looks like it has been made 20 years ago for a primitive graphics engine, absolutely terrible, no excuses for that one. No, absolutely not! this did not take 2 years to develop! I had to inform my sim friends online to stay away from this addon...at least until these issues can be resolved. To be honest this is the first time i ever purchased something from Orbx. Not the best purchase i ever made. It seems to me that you have not tested what you are selling otherwise you wouldnt advertise a feature that does not exist. I informed GKS for these issues and they dont seem to care to provide a reply. It really feels like a scam. My online friends told me that Orbx has a good rep and that something must have gone very wrong and that it probably isnt your fault. They appear to be convinced that you are also victims here. I would ask for a refund, although i dont know if i even can since you wont even accept support tickets for the mig 21 ( thats weird, why dont you?) ...but im willing to wait for an update. Mainly for the "Weapons visual manager panel" feature of the plane that is simply not there as advertised and this is what shattered any trust i had in you. And the manual is for P3D...only the first few pages are for msfs. It really feels like a scam. Please help resolve this issue or at least be honest and edit the description and remove anything that is not included in what you are selling. I'd love a refund if i could get one.
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