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Everything posted by VH-AJH

  1. Thanks John, Looking through XO website it does say they have been consulting with Orbx and everything should be stacking fine with the latest 2.4.0+ https://www.4xplane.nl/documentation/Orbx-scenery/ The XO file I sent you I also sent to to XO support and they con-cured all was fine although your ini reorder is still differs to theirs. I rechecked the Millenium dome in particular and it also looks fine. Im going to load your ini have a fly and see if I can see any differences to the XO file. Just a thought but it might be worth checking with Orbx what the XO conversation was for future tech requests. Thanks again for your help
  2. Thanks John, My XO export file looks like I have the TE files in the right spot. I did notice you have London straight under Global Airports, does it matter if the rest Chicago / Sydney New York etc are placed there also or do the "need" to be at the bottom. I quizzed XO also and the said the export order was fine with no changes. Manually changing the XO order Im not sure how to do just yet..
  3. Hi John. You were kind enough to help me once before on an .ini file. I have just loaded xorganiser and wanted to seek your opinion on what exported. I had issues previously with London and GBSouth but that seems to be working ok with Tower Bridge, The eye etc all displaying, just want to make sure Landmarks London sitting in the correct spot within the XO ini. Just flew over Alcatraz and it seemed to be looking a bit "odd" and the line is buried in the airports??. Could this be an issue. Thanks in advance Tony scenery_packs.ini
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