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Everything posted by renjun903

  1. Good evening, I reinstalled P3D according to your suggestion and successfully launched the game, but I still could not find the simulator when loading the Orbx central. In the third picture, select P3DV4 for the first item. What should be selected from the following items?
  2. Hello, and thank you for answering my question. I don't know if my understanding is correct, first install P3D and delete the client, then need to start P3D? Or reinstall the client and restart? What step do you mean to say "no" when it asks you to deactivate? Do I need to disconnect from the Internet to launch Orbx Central? Could you tell me the specific steps? Thanks a million!
  3. Is it just reload P3D and restart, then shut down the network to run Orbx Central?
  4. · Hello, can you be more specific? For example, what does SIM turn on or off? Does this have anything to do with the operating system? This has not happened with previous operating systems,The game has been loaded many times, but I can't recognize it · Thanks for helping
  5. P3DV4 is installed and started normally. When Orbx CENTRAL is installed and started in administrator mode, the display shows that P3DV4 cannot be found An error occurred while attempting to write to the registry. You may need to run Central as an administrator."
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