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  1. Thank you for hearing us out! I can't speak for everyone else, but personally, this is very much appreciated! Many other developers/publishers might have just brushed our comments off, so thank you! Having read some of the other user comments regarding entitlement and paying people for their work, I think I need to clarify something and I'm sure most of us here would agree with. The issue at hand is NOT paying for an upgraded product per se. As a software developer IRL myself, I understand very well how a lot of work can go unseen and unappreciated and that is not ok either. The issue I have and I'm sure most others have is that when we purchased v1, the expectation was that it was either the final version or any required and certainly functional updates would be included for free. If, for example, the store page of the v1 product would explicitly state that further paid and improved versions (premium versions if you will) would then be released at a later stage for an extra cost, I (personally at least) would have no problem with this as I would have been fairly informed. The problem was that no such statement was ever made to customers of the initial version and then we were asked to pay an extra amount to get the same update that new customers would get for free. A fair model to all parties (I think) would be to clearly state that there will be a tiered release from the get-go and then have each tier a little more expensive than the previous, thus, for example, v1 could cost say $20, then v2 say $25 and customers that already own v1 could just pay the $5 difference. I think that would be fair to both the developers for their extra work and the customer. Again, just my 2 cents. Thanks again for hearing us out Orbx
  2. Sigh, had I known a better version would come out later, I wouldn't have wasted money buying the first version considering I won't get this udpate for free With all due respect, it's you product, your platform, etc, but how is this ok? Considering the flight sim market (even after MSFS may have widened the audience 2 years ago) is a relatively small, niche market that is already super saturated (especially MSFS now) with addon scenery products, I think it's reasonable to say that most people really only buy one Airport scenery per actual Airport slowly growing their relatively small collection (compared to all addons available) over time. Having said that, it's one thing when multiple separate devs/publishers produce their own, 100% separate rendition of the same scenery and we are given a choice and it's a whole other thing, when the SAME dev/publisher produces the same product TWICE for the same Airport and then asks people to pay again for the update, all the while people that haven't made the initial purchase get the updated version for the same price older customers already paid, yet they're expected to pay AGAIN.... And I don't want to put Orbx on the spot here, plenty of other devs/publishers out there do this, but this is not ok and is by no means fair, most of us can only afford so much, this hobby is already very expensive and this kind of behaviour is very much akin to the now macro transaction 10,000 DLC model that other software companies have been pushing over the last decade (e.g. Bethesda's $20 for the color blue fiasco)... Just my 2 cents, I'm not trying to be rude or mean, it's just an observation. P.S. As an aftertought, will there be a version 3? What about 4? I don't want to have to pay more and more with each update, I'd much rather wait for the best one and buy it then, once.
  3. Thanks for claryfing and kudos for editing the store page so quickly as well, it's much clearer what the deal is now!
  4. Hi all, I've been waiting for well over a month now (at least) to purchase Seafront Simulations Vessels Global Shipping addon but the Orbx page now says it requires the Seafront Sightseeing Vessels Core addon which just returns a 404 Not Found error on Orbx's site. I've checked on the Orbx Central app as well and it's nowhere to be found even though I have found screenshots online of people having it installed via Orbx. I've also tried to figure out if there is something else I'm missing on how this is supposed to work/be installed but all I've found is confusion and outdated (maybe I don't know, it's all so confusing) information. I know this product is also available from the in-sim marketplace but I prefer if at all possible to NOT use Microsofts marketplace as I've just had bad times with Microsoft's services in general in the past. I would like to purchase this via Orbx but I've been waiting for a LOOOONG time for this required pack to be released and it STILL isn't. What am I missing here? Can I just install the core pack from in-sim and then purchase Global Shipping from Orbx? Will that work? I don't want to spend the money and then find out it won't work. Otherwise, is there any news on when this core package might be released on Orbx? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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