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Iceland airport elevation problems


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I have installed FTX_Global, FTX_OLC, FTX_VECTOR, FTX_EU Norway etc quite a while ago and enjoy them a lot.

Only yesterday I tried to explore Iceland and experienced elevation problems and trees on rwy at some of the airports, e.g.:
I ran the FTX Global Vector Auto Configurator and the flwg Iceland airports BIAR, BIGR, BINF, BIRK, BISF, BIST, BITE BIVM appeared in the AEC is disabled window.
After Apply button some of these airports are not listed in any Vector window any more and all these airports show problems (perhaps others as well).

Elevation problems = aircraft sunk on runway, part of asphalt covered by grassland plus aircraft sunk, rwy invisible

What could cause these Iceland elevation/trees problems?

Thanks for any help

p.o.#    FSS0305590, FSS0305919, FSS0347424,FSS0370299 etc etc

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