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Scenery Library configuration, the correct order


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I apologize before I even start. After all these years and the many different explanations, I am still having a problem with understanding the correct order of entries in the Scenery Library. It may have something to do with my age, I am not as quick on the uptake as I used to be. My most worrying contention is where add-on aerodromes should be inserted. I have FTX airports and third party airports, the latter includes Aerosoft's Mega Airport Budapest City and Budapest Airport. I am trying to get my head around the Scenery Library and FTX Central Insertion Points. For instance, in several documents I have consulted, you have used the terms, "where you want the entry to be" or "above a certain point", which are not much help to computer dilettantes such as myself. Who am I to decide where it should go and on what basis? What I would like to see is a picture of what it should be using collective terms such as "FTX airports" or "third party airports". Installers usually place the new add-on at the top and I usually move it down to join others that have been placed by a mysterious entity, somewhere below ORBX entries. It seems I need someone to draw me pictures, hahaha. :lol:

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I purchased EGHI and EU England. I have Global, Vector and OpenLC Europe. When flying in Britain now I see traffic going all over the place. On beautiful fields, right through towns without regard to the road system. What order should the EGHI and EU England be in.After the three main ORBX installs?


(partly doing this as my first post to put my order numbers in)

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