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Question for the BIOS and firmware gurus!

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Now I'm committed to using the E8600 on my Gigabyte MoBo I've got to replace the BIOS firmware.

I've downloaded the package -- motherboard_bios_ga-965p-ds3_f14d.exe -- which is the correct version for the processor, the E6600 using Version F10

As there is quite a bit of difference between the E6600 and E8600 so do I run this package prior to or after swapping the processors. I guess somewhere along the line a 1024 Byte file has to be burnt into the BIOS when does that occur. I guess that is embedded in the exec somewhere.

I haven't pressed the go button on the executable as I'm not sure what is going to happen. Any advise is welcome, not many computer engineers here in the rice paddies.

Thank you

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Need to read before you play. Usually the newer bios adds the new processor to the install it does not remove the old ones. It basically tells the motherboard the id of the new processor and what settings it needs, this of course needs to be done on the old processor first rebboot to confirm al is well, then install the new processor and cofirm it ids it on the next boot. Hope that helps.

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