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New Account Banned


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I created a new account for support because of a problem with the software. I just spent over $200 USD on the software, and when I attempt to register for forum support I'm told that I'm banned.


I received an automated email suggesting I visit some "stop forum spam" site, but when I go there and search for my own name/address, I'm not found. I'm not a spammer, I've never been a spammer, and that site does not report me as a spammer -- so why am I banned here? The login I tried to use here is cpurick. As soon as I connect to the site with that account I am locked by a cookie -- I can't sign out, I can't request support, nothing.  I had to learn how to delete cookies from Chrome in order to be able to create this account and type this.  Can you unlock my account, or can I at least have an explanation for why I'm banned?



Rick Koch, Paying Customer

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Good day Rick,


The email you received contained instructions on posting in the validation thread. The thread is set up to weed out spambots, they're not crafty enough (yet) to get to a specific thread and post. Until a post is made in the thread every new account is locked from posting elsewhere.


I've validated your other account, it should be able to post and view on all forums now. 

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Thanks. The email I was referring to was from Jay, in response to my admin request for help with banned account.

I thought I followed all the correct links, but there may have been issues because I did it all from my "smart" phone instead of from a PC.

I'm fine if you'd like to close out the rkoch account.


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