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Review - VRINSIGHT Radio Stack


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Well I did it! Ordered the VRINSIGHT Radio Stack from Adrian.

Been hankering for a radio stack for years. Looked at the Aerosoft one, the GoFlight modules et al but the VRINSIGHT was affordable. Only a 12 month warranty however. Still it comes in a metal case so maybe the quality is OK.  ::)

Arrived last week but had to muck around finding a converter because while it comes with a powerpack its a 2 pin device. Other connection is USB 2.0.

Loaded software from CD-ROM, no problem, read the electronic manual - twice. Loaded up a new installation of FS9 (Airsimmer beta) alt-tabbed to run the Radio Stack software and ... it worked. And continues to work, touch wood.  :D

Am over the moon!  Now I work the radios, ADF, DME and autopilot for real and see the result in real time on screen. Legibility is good and tactility is fine. Comes with self-adhesive decals with choice of autopilot for either GA or TUBE liners. No hassle with this one unlike some other member' struggles with a different VRINSIGHT module.  >:(  My only problem is trying to find room for it on my desk alongside the Matrox Triple-Head-Two-Go!

Read about and see it in the following link:


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