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Guest boeingqa

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Guest boeingqa

guys l have a i7 920 and 6 gig mem corsair 1600 with a gigabyte ex58-ds4 MB

has anyone got the same specs and could help me over clock my CPU?

Many Thanks


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Hi Paul,

First you will need a decent cooler (either air or WC) - stock won't get you far. Second, you will need to undestand, that overclocking Core i7 is different from overclocking Core 2 CPU's - you will have to raise BCLK, which is responsible also for RAM speed and QPI. If you want to know some more, PM or just google it.

greets, Peter

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Hey Paul,

I7 seems to be a steep learning curve. I've been doing quite a bit of reading and trying a few things. Had a couple of scares last night but everything seems good to go now. I'm sitting on a stable 3.6 with my 920. Sadly I have a different MB (MSI Eclipse) so I can't help you too much but I went to 3.6 leaving my voltages to AUTO. Thats left me with a Vcore of 1.352. I do have watercooling though so my load temps sit at 67, 67, 65, 61 after a few hours of prime95 (8 threads). In my reading it seems that going from 3.6 to 4 becomes a lot more involved, though that does depend largely on the particular chip.

Just try edging up your Base clock whilst keeping a very close eye on your temps and your Vcore voltage. Anything past 70 degrees seems to start being a worry and voltages past 1.4 seem also to increase the risk quite a lot. Have fun. Be careful, but not too careful.

And Maurice...

Just wait for my next thread, you're going to love it. I've undertaken a project which is opposed to everything you stand for. I'm sure that's not completely true but there's no doubt you'll be shocked and disapprove entirely. I do hope it will provide you with some amusement though.


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Mate I might have some funny ideas and use what some might consider very unorthodox methods to achieve what I do and have but at the end of the day I believe I have superior longevity and stability due to my methods.

My thoughts and experiences are provided here as are many others are to help. As you rightly point out what has worked for me for many years even though technology is changing at the rate it is, may not work for others.

I must be doing something right with 25-35 FPS in FSX with FTX and ActiveSkyX Clouds etc and only the PC Specs you see in my Sig.

To coin a phrase " There is no point in doing 160 Kph in a Ferrari if the humble old Holden can do the same " .....

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Mate I might have some funny ideas and use what some might consider very unorthodox methods to achieve what I do and have but at the end of the day I believe I have superior longevity and stability due to my methods.

My thoughts and experiences are provided here as are many others are to help. As you rightly point out what has worked for me for many years even though technology is changing at the rate it is, may not work for others.

I must be doing something right with 25-35 FPS in FSX with FTX and ActiveSkyX Clouds etc and only the PC Specs you see in my Sig.

To coin a phrase " There is no point in doing 160 Kph in a Ferrari if the humble old Holden can do the same " .....

I don't know anything about your CPU but I do know about the speed....and that is the problem 3 vs 2.66. I am not a fan of clocking either. Used to do a build every 6 months while working in Saudi and had extra cash...if I fried it I just bought a new one. Can't do that anymore and fully understand your concerns about clocking. But I have to say that the i7 series is the easiest I have ever seen to clock. I don't have the same M/B as Paul but I do have the 920 and the DDR3 1600 memory. The P6T Deluxe M/B is pretty much fool proof for clocking if one does not intend on going to the extreme...by that I mean those that take an 920 to 4 and 4.2ghz. From all I have read that can done with relative ease on a 940/965 but I don't care who tells you it is easy to do with an 920...I am not saying they did not do it nor am I saying that it can't be done....but if it is done it involves a lot of good luck to go along with skill. My 920 is clocked to 3.6ghz and I have the V1Max cooler...not the best but sufficient. Paul, as Peter said just do a Google or go to Avsim and search....but Google is probably best and you can find all the info you need if you are going to stay around the 3.6ghz....but if you want to push to that 4ghz mark be warned...you can get in trouble in a hurry. My 3.6ghz clock was done with ease and it gives a big boost to FSX...much more than the stock setting. A lot of people are of the opinion that if one is not going to clock the 920 you should get a 940 or stay with the later model 3ghz dual cores or quads. Maurice, that is why I mention the speed. I think all of us know that FSX wants and needs all the speed it can get. The 920...while I am very happy going to it from a P4 3ghz......might disappoint someone who went from a 9... series CPU and did not clock the 920. But I do think had I bought the 965 I would have not tried a clock.


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