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3DW - Downtown Springfield - Christmas VRLights ON during Day

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Hi to Benjamin Van Eps  if you are reading this,


Firstly thanks for your first FTXG freeware airport and hope to see many more in the future. Eager to see your work I installed and went straight to 3DW Downtown Springfield. Nice job but I did notice one thing of interest - no need to fix but only an observation.

On the perimeter of the airport I have some FTXGlobal Vector Road lights. There are a string of 7 lights only, Red in colour like a string of vehicle brake lights, ( No they aren't PAPI or VASI ) they are ON during the day-time and at dawn, dusk & night, they change colour depending on altitude, from bright Red on ground, to pale Red, to light yellow, to bright green, then cycle through these colours as altitude goes to about 4000ft. No other area within viewing distance show lights on during daytime.

Its probably just an Autogen exclusion needed but still can't work out why just these 7 lights are ON and changing colour during the day. I put it down to Christmas celebrations - you are just putting your decorations up early. 


Heres a few pics to show the phenomenon.






A series of night shots showing how the lights change colour with altitude. (Double click to enlarge)















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Jeff - Thanks for the note.  D'oh! I saw those a few weeks ago when I was checking things out. They were on my list to remove and obviously go left behind.

I think I started getting more carried away with the runway lights and forgot about those.  I will get them on the next pass.



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Thanks Benjamin,


Appreciate you taking a look, don't worry too much theres no adverse results in the sim, infact I like little surprises like this, no one else seems to have noticed though. Do you have any ideas why the lights change colour, it might be worth re-purposing the effect in some other location.

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