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Southampton Int'l and 'computer out of memory' error in P3d

Euan Emblin

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I really love the quality of this airport scenery. I have other airports of lesser degrees of complication perhaps but I am able to run P3d at ultra settings, virtually everything maxed out. The UK looks awesome at this level. At Southampton I get the famous Out of Memory error very quickly, within a couple of minutes. This remains even when I take down the settings to much more inferior levels to the point where it is no longer desirable to use the airport. I do have REX4 installed which really enhances the ground textures of course.


I have searched around for possible solutions to the general OoM issue which plagues both FSX and P3d for some people. As it only seems to happen at large airports and not over large towns or cities, what settings in the control panel of the scenery should I be looking at?


If anyone has other ideas I would love to hear about them. I would really like to be able to use Southampton a lot as it's a great looking scenery.


Thanks for your assistance.

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So I did some more testing and comparison between Southampton  and Shoreham. I put all the major sliders to max within P3d and did likewise for REX4 as I have it normally. From Shoreham I can fly at around 10 fps on the ground rising to around 20 once aloft. I don't get the OoM error at all and can continue flying away.


I have reduced all the major sliders considerably to attempt to fly away from Southampton but to no avail. This is the first time that when flying around FTX England I have had this issue.

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i am sure there is probably another cause but i had the same issue at other airports, try adding this to your cfg and test, main is already there, just add the other line and test, it works for some and worked for me



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Thanks for your suggestion Brett. Didn't make any difference to the error. I can fly from my other FTX airports like Shoreham and Goodwood/Chichester without any issue on virtually max settings but as soon as I fly into Southampton airspace I get clobbered. I am thinking that there is some kind of  memory leaking going on or very unoptimised textures perhaps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After more testing I find that I can fly in and out of Southampton without any OoM if I uncheck all the options in the control panel. I will now add them one by one until I discover the culprit(s). This is with the graphics options all set at maximum  and ultra. If I take these options down to medium settings I still get the OoM but as soon as I take away the extras,like PeopleFlow, I can run with everything else on perfect.

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