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gtx260 or 285?

Guest boeingqa

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Guest boeingqa

guys which one? l`m getting an i7 with 6 gig mem but the videocard l`m stuck on. would the 260 be just as good as a 285 its about $200 diff..



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The 260 should be fine.  With mine I can run 1600x1200 with 8xS supersampling, 16xAF, 2048 non DXT5 clouds, and still push well beyond 45fps when the CPU allows.  In fact I can even use 16xS supersampling, though I see a GPU bottleneck which can dip me as low as 28fps.  16xS is a pretty intense setting though, as its rendering internally at 3200x2400 then applying 4xAA.

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The 260 should be fine.  With mine I can run 1600x1200 with 8xS supersampling, 16xAF, 2048 non DXT5 clouds, and still push well beyond 45fps when the CPU allows.  In fact I can even use 16xS supersampling, though I see a GPU bottleneck which can dip me as low as 28fps.  16xS is a pretty intense setting though, as its rendering internally at 3200x2400 then applying 4xAA.

I agree...not that it means anything...that the 260 will do just fine. But there are a few other things to consider. Only a year ago a card with 1gig of memory was considered a waste of money for FSX. Well with the latest discussions about the use of buffer pools settings with the i7 and how it smooths out FSX it would seem 1gig might be the way to go. See sticky http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=9908.0 That along with the app FPS Limiter...which I do use...appears to let FSX shine as never before. I know the FPS app has made my flying experience simply outstanding. I would love to try the Buffer Pool tweak but my VC only has 512meg and I can't do it. A new VC is in the works for me around October or November. I would suppose the 896meg on the 260 would give you room to use 2 or 3 hundred meg for that tweak if you wanted to try it. Just throwing out possibilities here. I bought the wrong card...9600GT. I purchased my i7 920 as soon as it was released and had no idea that it would send more to the card than it could handle....thus that is my bottleneck. I wish I had put the money to the 260. Good luck with whatever you decide on. Not to hijack a thread but Solareagle how do you cool that 920 at 4.2ghz?


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I would love to try the Buffer Pool tweak but my VC only has 512meg and I can't do it.

Randy I found the Buffer Pool tweak helped my system and I only have a 512mb VC, I use a value 100000000 as posted by solareagle and it hasn't failed me yet.

Sorry for the off-topic reply.  On topic I agree with Mango, get the biggest fattest card you can afford.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really hesitating as well for a VC upgrade. Reading the reviews around, I would have gone for a gtx 275. But the bufferpools story makes me really wonder whether the lower 896MB of this card (or the 260 series) is going to be enough to get the full benefit of the bufferpools. For the same price, there's the GTS250 with 2GB. It doesn't perform better than a 1GB card with the classic benchmark, so it's one generation behind the GTX series, but I haven't seen any test involving FSX with it, and it might shine there... It's going to be really hard to decide. If they would be cheaper I would settle the question with a GTX 285, but they're still too expensive for me...

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Will our motherboard overclock good? Will you overclock your i7? Will you get the fastest ram for your motherboard? If no is the answer to these question 260 is fine but to truly use the full potential of a GTX 285 you have to overclock your i7 (no less than 3.8GHx)+ the fastest ram your board can take.

Here is the best motherboard for the i7 on the market right now... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188047

As I always said don't buy a GTX 285 if you'r not using it at it's full potential, it's like buying a Ferrari and have them put a 4 cylinder in it?? 

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