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Sudden YBAS Objectflow Error


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Upon loading FSX this morning I was greeted with the following message


Flight Sim Has Detected A Problem With A Third Party Software program

Name dynamig object placement



file D:\new folder\Flight Sim\.....objectflow_YBAS.dll

This file is in my ORBX AU YBAS folder as it has always been.

It then goes on to say to not run the software. I've never encountered a problem with Alice Springs before. I reinstalled YBAS over the top of the existing one and installed the latest libraries and still the problem. It appears to suddenly not like the YBAS objectflow.dll for some reason

Any help to clear this mystery would be appreciated. The only change to my computer before this happened was to disable Windows Defender. I have Windows 7 64 bit.

Many thanks





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Well it seems, after finding some other posts with a similar problem that no one has an answer. I deleted YBAS and things are as normal as FSX ever is. Must be a curly one because this is the first time a problem of mine has not received a single response. Am wondering what's happened to ORBX' "no question unanswered" philosophy. 

All the best

simdown42 ::)

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