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Rainbow colors in ground textures


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Does anyone have an idea what could be causing that I see rainbow colors on ground textures? See screenshots below. This occures only during dusk, dawn and night, but not during day. Mostly seen in FTX Global areas, but I sometimes see it in other FTX areas, such as PNW (but there the colors are more "white"/lighter instead of rainbow colors, see last screenshot).


All has been working fine until I decided to let FSX recreate the fsx.cfg file (i.e. I first deleted the existing one so that FSX created a new one). I then added my ususal tweaks to the fsx.cfg file (the same as before, but they are few, HIGHMEMFIX=1, UsePools=0, AffinityMask=84). I've tried validating terrain.cfg in FTX Central and also flush scenery in Central, but no difference. I've also tried reinstalling FTX Global 1.2 patch and latest ORBX libraries, but no difference.


Do I need to do a full reinstall of all my ORBX scenery? Or is there another solution?








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I appreciate you answering! Thanks!


I tried now to remove all the tweaks from fsx.xfg (except HIMEMFIX), but unfortunately no difference. I don't have any shader mods. Other addons I have are REX and Active Sky Next and some airport addons, but the majority of airports are your products. Also I have a bunch of aircraft addons.

Your scenery has been working perfectly before, so I'm surprised that I got this issue now.


I posted a question on flightsim.com as well, and got this interesting answer: "This is a texture issue. I would recommend you contact the folks at FTX. You appear to have a bad, or missing, mask texture that FS uses to blend the ground textures together. I bet the lines run north-south and east-west."

And he's right, the lines run east-west. But I don't quite know what a "mask texture" is, is it a file in one of the Texture folders? Has something become "corrupt" in my FSX or FTX Global installation?


I appreciate your continued help!

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Greetings All,

I believe that in another thread the developers suggested cycling through the FTX Central settings; select Global & apply, select Europe & apply, select North America & apply, select Oceania & apply. I don't remember if they suggested loading the sim between each selection/apply cycle or not.



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Thank you Brian!

Before I saw your post, I reinstalled FTX Global from scratch, and then applied patch 1.1 and 1.2 and last the latest ORBX libraries. After that I started FSX and did no longer see the rainbow textures on the ground in FTX Global areas. But I do still see them in other FTX areas, such as PNW.

I tried doing as you suggested, cycling through the FTX Central settings (without starting FSX after each "Apply"), but unfortunately there was no change, I still see the rainbow textures in non FTX Global areas.

Does this mean I need to do a full reinstall of all the other FTX areas (as it wasn't sufficient that I just reinstalled the latest patch when it came to FTX Global)? Or is there an easier way to correct the missing texture file (or whatever was missing)?

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