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Crash south of CYSE


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Squamish (CYSE) is superb...thanks!


Interesting problem. There seems to be a crash barrier about 2 mi south of CYSE. I've flown the route at various altitudes in various aircraft (fixed wing and helicopter) and stayed just about half way between all the hills and always crash at that point. Kind of strange to be cruising along, all trimmed up and enjoying the scenery, and suddenly Crash into an invisible wall.


I'm now flying with crash detection turned off but it's not my favorite solution. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Oops...I forgot:


Order Number: FSS0292286

Order Date: 2014-06-12


Sorry...am unable to edit my posts (IE11 issue?) so I had to make this additional one.

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Thank you for the great compliment...always appreciated.


The Crash:

Get me a GPS and altitude and I'll go have a look.

I've got probably a thousand hours around the area and haven't seen that one....weird.


There is a flock of birds circling around the downtown area, but nothing south of there. I'll try and re-create it once I have a vector.


Just an FYI: Helos at Squamish are real world proximity to obstacles. Very tight.

Sim helos have a weird way of interacting with objects, so you may find some crashes even when you didn't hit anything.

Maybe LM will find a way to refine this at some point.


IE11...cantankerous and entirely too full of nonsense. Not friendly with the engine here. I'd go to Firefox or Chrome.

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Thanks for the very quick reply, Gordon.


N  49* 45.00'

W123*  8.93'

Altitude: ~800 ft.


I landed 2 helicopters on the luxury yacht and one on the tanker but haven't yet seen the birds...looking forward to them, though. I sucked a bird into the engine of a BH206 in the RW but was able to land without a problem. There was some damage to the vertical fin but missed the tail rotor; the engine only needed a good wash to go back into service. A friend had a seagull come through his windshield in a Bo105, luckily on the vacant co-pilot's side; he also landed without any problem. Very fortunate to not get cut although he did have some blood and feathers in his hair.


I haven't run into FS helicopter crashes you've described; I've also taken off and landed at the marked helispots at CYSE without incident so this one really is weird. Maybe LM will help: I have a special bank account just waiting for the releases.


I know what you mean about IE11. I'm OK with Firefox from past experience but don't trust Google on general principle and their data mining really troubles me. I may have to try one of these others because I cannot cut/paste or post a picture now. Thank you, Bill Gates...

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Thanks for the plot....I'll go have a look and let you know what I find.


No birds, but quite a few years back my Dad and I were in the Commander on short final at KHHR. IFR...thick june gloom. Just as we're breaking out, a Bonanza appears center windshield...probably went under us by 50'. Tower didn't have him...go figure.


Yeah...data mining. I'll refrain from comment on that one.... ;)





Try turning off Allow Collisions With Other Aircraft and fly the pattern again. Seems there may be a phantom signature there.

I'll dig a bit more and see if I can pin down the source.

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I had four near misses in my career but was completely unaware of two of them. Landing a helicopter at an East River pad in New York City during the very busy summer months I apparently was almost hit by a floatplane, twice. I have a float rating and I know that their view is very restricted: high wing above and floats below. I only found out about the close calls when I was told by ground crew that saw them. Whew...


My crash incidents in Squamish occurred when I "Allow Collisions With Other Aircraft" was unchecked but the general "Allow Collisions And Damage" was checked. The only way I could get through the area was to uncheck all crash detection. I can only guess what a phantom signature is and certainly have no idea how to avoid one...exorcism? [LOL]


Thanks for the help, but most especially the beautiful scenery.

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Got a buddy, ex firefighter, had six crashes. Three fixed and three helo, then went on to race K-boats for quite a few years. Never a scratch...lol



The sim is interpereting a crash with an aircraft that is not really there...most likely AI. It's in a really bad spot obviously, short final and spot on glideslope. I'm going to try and pinpoint the bug.


You can help me out by trying different settings for your Commercial and GA traffic settings..see if it has any effect.

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Helicopter pilots get to do a lot of really interesting things, most of which scare the hell out of fixed wing pilots but seldom themselves. I did my share of challenging flying but the only one that truly scared me was flying camera for a K-boat race off the Long Island, NY, shore. Very low (no problem), very fast (also no problem), but every boat had its own helicopter w/film crew...too many low, fast aircraft in too little space for my liking.


I'll try different settings for Comm and GA traffic and will report. Right now it's half-time at the World Cup but I won't be back on the computer for at least another hour.


Thanks again.


BTW, I assume your firefighter friend was a smoke jumper. Now that's risky business. Glad to know he came through OK.

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Commercial and GA Traffic set to 0, Aircraft Collision Off, Damage ON: still crashed at the phantom signature.

Then turned most CYSE options OFF (river clutter, etc.), still crashed.


Turned all CYSE options ON, Damage OFF: no crash.


Turbulence is OFF but encountered it near Quest University about 1 mile northeast; it dissipated and I landed safely twice, once in front of the main building and once on the football field, at which I then sank below the surface. No problem...pulled a lot of pitch (pardon the pun) and departed the area for a nice landing on the tanker in port. Yee-ha!


More fun than I've had in years. Thanks again, and again, etc.

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Football...pitch? sheesh


My buddy wasn't a jumper, but he crashed so many government airplanes they put him on boats. Retired after running the fireboat out of San Pedro in LA.


I'll isolate the source of the crash and we'll build it into the first maintenance patch. I'll have a look at the field out at Quest too. Thanks for the HU.


You haven't found the logging pad on the ridge yet???? That one's the toughie. ;)

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I wonder, are boats safer?


Thanks for looking into that stuff. You have always worked hard to make your products the best possible.


Haven't looked for the logging pad yet. If there's not too much World Cup this weekend I'll try to find it.

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