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I bought a system specially for this game, Where did i go wrong


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Anyone who can put together the information i am posting here, and give me an idea as to what Ive done wrong purchasing hardware, ill kiss you. :P

I'm not a tech head i just know the very basics, so please use easy to understand language.

I got together about 900 bucks and got myself form a trustworthy computer store, the following:

Intel core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3ghz

Geforce 9800 GT (i think it has something like 512 or 1024 mb ram)

2 gig of ram (no idea what frequency or any of that nonsense)

A decent 190$ Mobo with on-board sound and no special wank features.

A large SATA drive

Windows XP Pro SP2 (NOTE# i can only run in Direct X 9 remember)


and of course a nice case with a decent power supply.

This was not a package deal and me and my mate put the thing together as my mate is employed by the government to put together computers for hospitals and hes awesome and knows everything about gaming computer hardware. (except whats wrong with Flgiht sim)

Now a lot of people talk about FPS and all that, and complain about getting 20 FPS. Now i tell you, if i could get a constant 20 FPS (locked) in FSX with FTX activated, flying somewhere near Jandakot, or a major city, i would be absolutely delighted.

I have not edited any of the FSX cfg files or any of that, as i am lead to believe that's what Microsoft did in the FSX service packs.

Lets take the carenado 152 (not very frame rate vicious) for a spin at Jandakot. I get 7 FPS looking out the window at the aero club stairs. It's really upsetting when you have to set autogen to NONE in order to get anything in double digits. I get no stutters or lag or any of that, just a terrible frame rate which seems to line up with the 100% CPU usage indicated in the windows process monitor.

How come ppl complain about getting 20 FPS, and and how much do you people spend on a system to get 20 fps at YMML?

What part of my system is crap?

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I think one would need some more info but from your specs you should be able to run FSX...using FTX reasonably well on that machine. But as I said the only details are your basic hardware specs...I am sure someone who has a similar system might post on here and give you some specifics to look at....but you should be able to get more than what you are saying. But I will tell you that I have an i7 920 and on the ground at YMML I can't get a steady 20 FPS.....I get high teens but go back to 30 FPS after takeoff....that is an impressive airport and very detailed. The good things you mention is no stutters. We all look at FPS but we should be looking for fluid smooth flight...having said that you should be seeing more than 7 FPS. You can try defragging...which is a must for good performance with FSX...the defrag built into Windows is OK but most people use some other defragger. You also need to check how many processes you have running in Task Manager....you could have things running that you do not need and FSX needs every CPU cycle it can get....and for your CPU and most others 100% is normal while running FSX. If you don't know how to do these things maybe your friend that helped you build the computer could help. Read the following link. It could help you and once again if you are not familiar with computers do not try some of the things in this link without your friends help. The setup in the link has helped a lot of people gain performance from there PC with FSX. Use it at your own risk. It helped me with some issues but it may or may not help you. Many people have used this setup.



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I agree with Mozz, with that system you should have no problems. My system (see specs in sig) is nearly three years old and not as good as yours. I usually get 18-20 fps and smooth flight.

At the very least, upgrade to XP SP3. That will definitely make a difference.

I'd also recommend getting nvidea's latest drivers and maybe downloading nhancer  -a freeware product  - at www.nhancer.com , although some reports suggest the latest official nvidea drivers negate the need for nhancer.

Another thing, as recommended by John Venema, when you do get smooth performance, don't get too hung up on fps. Movies have been made at 24fps since the 1920s and no one seems too concerned about those levels. I agree that stuttering is a problem though. So try the above fixes and see how you go.

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Find out what RAM you have -- it sounds pernickety -- but some boards just don't like some brands of RAM.

I would agree with the above comments also,  I was getting better performance with E6600, 4G, 8800GTX.  You should be kicking along with what you have.  Something is not performing up-to-scratch.

Perhaps some non-FSX benchmarks might show where the bottleneck is.

Component Temperatures.  Running over the BIOS settings - again, some boards set mem settings incorrectly.

Unfortunately, you're likely to learn more about computers than you wanted to ......

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I trust you have all Service Packs SP1, SP2 and SP3 Plus all issues of the NET Framework, 1.0 1.1 it's update 1.5, 2, 2.1 its update, and 3

Not to mention the Java and Latest Direct X runtime .DLL's. I know SP3 is supposed to be a culmination of previous Service Packs and NET Frame work but I can assure you it isn't. There are some files that were assumed redundant by MS but these are required by some older software.

Then go have a look at what and how many processes are running, get rid of any BHO's and bloody tool bars of the same nature like Yahoo and Google search etc (these chew up both internet bandwidth and Processor cycle time ).

Get yourself THIS Anti malware program and see if there are any nasties lurking.

Properly configure your nVidia Card with it's control Panel or nHancer or similar, this will have the most significant impact.

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When was XP SP3 released?

I think im only on #2  :o How much of a difference could an operating system service pack be?

Its compforting to know there are others out there with similar hardware who arent experiencing my problems.

I dont think theres any processes that shouldnt be running, as i keep a pretty close eye on virus and spyware activity.

What exactly does nhancer do? Let me guess, JUST MAKES IT GOOD? ;)

I think ill get me mate to have a look at memory stuff in BIOS, any suggestions?

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.NET framework may well be the answer. I had not upgraded this from 1.0 until about 12 month ago and my system ran FSX and FTX like a dog. Installing all the updates including .NET 3.5 made the biggest single difference to my flightsimming experience. I couldn't recommend it highly enough.

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